1226 – 1400 of 2,705 cards where it’s legal in Pioneer and it’s not legal in Explorer

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
BFZ 61 Mist Intruder {1}{U} Creature C EN Jason Rainville $0.05 €0.08 0.03
DTK 25 Misthoof Kirin {2}{W} Creature C EN Ryan Barger $0.03 €0.06 0.04
2X2 59 Mistfire Adept {3}{U} Creature U EN Clint Cearley $0.07 €0.04 0.04
THS 162 Mistcutter Hydra {X}{G} Creature R EN Ryan Pancoast $1.00 €0.98 0.02
BNG 126 Mischief and Mayhem {4}{G} Sorcery U EN Zack Stella $0.03 €0.04 0.04
CMM 1010 Mirrorpool Land M EN Cliff Childs $1.31 €1.00 0.45
DTK 62 Mirror Mockery {1}{U} Enchantment R EN Ryan Alexander Lee $0.36 €0.37 0.02
DGM 85 Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker {3}{U}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Chase Stone $0.76 €0.50 0.02
BFZ 117 Mire's Malice {3}{B} Sorcery C EN Jakub Kasper $0.03 €0.04 0.04
RTR 100 Minotaur Aggressor {6}{R} Creature U EN Lucas Graciano $0.03 €0.10 0.04
M14 107 Minotaur Abomination {4}{B}{B} Creature C EN Karl Kopinski $0.03 €0.07 0.03
DTK 111 Minister of Pain {2}{B} Creature U EN Izzy $0.07 €0.09 0.03
M15 157 Miner's Bane {4}{R}{R} Creature C EN Adam Paquette $0.01 €0.09 0.04
DGM 14 Mindstatic {3}{U} Instant C EN Johann Bodin $0.02 €0.03 0.03
M14 146 Mindsparker {1}{R}{R} Creature R EN Wayne Reynolds $0.16 €0.16 0.02
M15 70 Mind Sculpt {1}{U} Sorcery C EN Michael C. Hayes $0.14 €0.10 0.03
FRF 41 Mindscour Dragon {4}{U}{U} Creature U EN Wesley Burt $0.12 €0.07 0.03
BNG 44 Mindreaver {U}{U} Creature R EN Wesley Burt $0.12 €0.15 0.02
BFZ 95 Mind Raker {3}{B} Creature C EN Lius Lasahido $0.04 €0.09 0.03
OGW 149 Mindmelter {1}{U}{B} Creature U EN Jason Felix $0.11 €0.10 0.03
GTC 178 Mind Grind {X}{U}{B} Sorcery R EN Daarken $5.30 €5.14 0.02
GTC 43 Mindeye Drake {4}{U} Creature U EN Lars Grant-West $0.04 €0.15 0.04
ZNC 94 Mina and Denn, Wildborn {2}{R}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Izzy $0.75 €0.59
UMA 173 Miming Slime {2}{G} Sorcery C EN Svetlin Velinov $0.11 €0.08 0.04
BBD 239 Millennial Gargoyle {4} Artifact Creature C EN Seb McKinnon $0.07 €0.04
ZNC 31 Military Intelligence {1}{U} Enchantment U EN Craig J Spearing $0.24 €0.20
SOI 26 Militant Inquisitor {2}{W} Creature C EN Karl Kopinski $0.03 €0.11 0.03
M15 156 Might Makes Right {5}{R} Enchantment U EN Mark Winters $0.09 €0.08 0.03
SOI 217 Might Beyond Reason {3}{G} Instant C EN Craig J Spearing $0.04 €0.06 0.04
GTC 73 Midnight Recovery {3}{B} Sorcery C EN Peter Mohrbacher $0.05 €0.05 0.03
BBD 99 Midnight Guard {2}{W} Creature C EN Jason A. Engle $0.07 €0.11
AER 66 Midnight Entourage {2}{B}{B} Creature R EN Lius Lasahido $0.09 €0.11 0.02
THS 129 Messenger's Speed {R} Enchantment C EN Clint Cearley $0.10 €0.05 0.03
M14 63 Messenger Drake {3}{U}{U} Creature C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.04 €0.06 0.04
M14 62 Merfolk Spy {U} Creature C EN Matt Cavotta & Richard Whitters $0.04 €0.08 0.04
RVR 200 Merfolk of the Depths {4}{G/U}{G/U} Creature C EN Scott Chou $0.02 €0.03 0.04
M15 68 Mercurial Pretender {4}{U} Creature R EN Izzy $0.27 €0.33 0.02
C20 221 Mercurial Chemister {3}{U}{R} Creature R EN Wesley Burt $0.10 €0.12
FRF 76 Merciless Executioner {2}{B} Creature U EN David Palumbo $0.28 €0.40 0.03
DMC 160 Merciless Eviction {4}{W}{B} Sorcery R EN Richard Wright $0.23 €0.42 0.24
HOU 71 Merciless Eternal {2}{B} Creature U EN Mathias Kollros $0.04 €0.06 0.03
GTC 72 Mental Vapors {3}{B} Sorcery U EN Mark Winters $0.11 €0.08 0.03
DGM 44 Mending Touch {G} Instant C EN Karla Ortiz $0.04 €0.12 0.03
THS 54 Meletis Charlatan {2}{U} Creature R EN Jason A. Engle $0.15 €0.16 0.02
BNG 43 Meletis Astronomer {1}{U} Creature U EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.09 €0.22 0.03
CMM 345 Melek, Izzet Paragon {4}{U}{R} Lgd. Creature U EN Jason Chan $0.14 €0.16 0.04
CMM 901 Megantic Sliver {5}{G} Creature R EN Campbell White $0.57 €0.29 0.50
THS 196 Medomai the Ageless {4}{W}{U} Lgd. Creature M EN David Palumbo $1.44 €1.99 0.02
M15 19 Meditation Puzzle {3}{W}{W} Instant C EN Mark Winters $0.07 €0.17 0.03
MKC 109 Mechanized Production {2}{U}{U} Enchantment M EN Adam Paquette $0.53 €0.47 0.18
DGM 4 Maze Sentinel {5}{W} Creature C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.04 €0.06 0.04
DGM 33 Maze Rusher {5}{R} Creature C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.03 €0.02 0.03
DGM 13 Maze Glider {5}{U} Creature C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.03 €0.13 0.04
DGM 43 Maze Behemoth {5}{G} Creature C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.03 €0.09 0.04
DGM 26 Maze Abomination {5}{B} Creature C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.05 €0.11 0.04
DGM 83 Maw of the Obzedat {3}{W}{B} Creature U EN Randy Gallegos $0.07 €0.07 0.03
OGW 99 Maw of Kozilek {3}{R} Creature C EN Daarken $0.04 €0.08 0.03
KLD 123 Maulfist Doorbuster {3}{R} Creature U EN Josh Hass $0.06 €0.10 0.04
MKC 74 Mastery of the Unseen {1}{W} Enchantment R EN Daniel Ljunggren $0.06 €0.13 0.24
DDT 1 Master of Waves {3}{U} Creature M EN Svetlin Velinov ✶ $0.63
JOU 75 Master of the Feast {1}{B}{B} Enchantment Creature R EN Chris Rahn $4.58 €3.11 0.02
M15 67 Master of Predicaments {3}{U}{U} Creature R EN Matt Stewart $0.31 €0.22 0.02
M14 24 Master of Diversion {2}{W} Creature C EN Michael Komarck $0.02 €0.04 0.03
RVR 198 Master of Cruelties {3}{B}{R} Creature M EN Chase Stone $2.87 €1.79 0.12
CLU 200 Master Biomancer {2}{G}{U} Creature M EN Willian Murai $0.32 €0.50
GTC 100 Massive Raid {1}{R}{R} Instant C EN Zoltan Boros $0.16 €0.26 0.03
M15 18 Mass Calcify {5}{W}{W} Sorcery R EN Brandon Kitkouski $2.28 €0.64 0.02
RTR 14 Martial Law {2}{W}{W} Enchantment R EN Tyler Jacobson $0.14 €0.12 0.02
2X2 249 Martial Glory {R}{W} Instant C EN Raymond Swanland $0.03 €0.10 0.04
BNG 76 Marshmist Titan {6}{B} Creature C EN Volkan Baǵa $0.03 €0.19 0.03
DTK 109 Marsh Hulk {4}{B}{B} Creature C EN Raf Sarmento $0.03 €0.04 0.04
SOI 122 Markov Dreadknight {3}{B}{B} Creature R EN Darek Zabrocki $0.15 €0.09 0.02
GTC 99 Mark for Death {3}{R} Sorcery U EN Mathias Kollros $0.05 €0.19 0.03
JOU 130 Market Festival {3}{G} Enchantment C EN Ryan Barger $0.12 €0.09 0.03
W16 2 Marked by Honor {3}{W} Enchantment C EN David Palumbo $0.05 €0.02 0.06
ORI 63 Maritime Guard {1}{U} Creature C EN Allen Williams $0.05 €0.05 0.04
FRF 18 Mardu Woe-Reaper {W} Creature U EN Willian Murai $0.12 €0.19 0.03
CLB 761 Mardu Strike Leader {2}{B} Creature R EN Jason Rainville $0.15 €0.16
FRF 74 Mardu Shadowspear {B} Creature U EN Mark Poole $0.16 €0.17 0.03
FRF 108 Mardu Scout {R}{R} Creature C EN Zoltan Boros $0.05 €0.07 0.03
FRF 107 Mardu Runemark {2}{R} Enchantment C EN Viktor Titov $0.06 €0.03 0.03
THS 96 March of the Returned {3}{B} Sorcery C EN Mark Zug $0.03 €0.09 0.03
BFZ 214 March from the Tomb {3}{W}{B} Sorcery R EN Lake Hurwitz $0.11 €0.14 0.02
M14 145 Marauding Maulhorn {2}{R}{R} Creature C EN Jesper Ejsing $0.09 €0.02 0.04
DTK 108 Marang River Skeleton {1}{B} Creature U EN Jack Wang $0.11 €0.09 0.03
ZNC 29 Marang River Prowler {2}{U} Creature U EN Yefim Kligerman $0.07 €0.12
FRF 134 Map the Wastes {2}{G} Sorcery C EN Volkan Baǵa $0.06 €0.08 0.03
ORI 187 Mantle of Webs {1}{G} Enchantment C EN Mathias Kollros $0.03 €0.08 0.04
AKH 142 Manticore of the Gauntlet {4}{R} Creature C EN James Paick $0.02 €0.03 0.04
HOU 103 Manticore Eternal {3}{R}{R} Creature U EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.04 €0.04 0.04
MOC 307 Managorger Hydra {2}{G} Creature R EN Lucas Graciano $1.33 €0.81 0.20
RTR 130 Mana Bloom {X}{G} Enchantment R EN Mike Bierek $0.34 €0.33 0.02
C19 150 Malevolent Whispers {3}{R} Sorcery U EN Greg Staples $0.04 €0.13
OGW 87 Malakir Soothsayer {4}{B} Creature U EN Greg Opalinski $0.09 €0.05 0.04
BFZ 148 Makindi Sliderunner {1}{R} Creature C EN Matt Stewart $0.02 €0.07 0.03
BFZ 39 Makindi Patrol {2}{W} Creature C EN David Palumbo $0.04 €0.02 0.03
OGW 27 Makindi Aeronaut {1}{W} Creature C EN Matt Stewart $0.01 €0.07 0.03
UMA 64 Mahamoti Djinn {4}{U}{U} Creature U EN Greg Staples $0.03 €0.10 0.06
OTC 173 Magmatic Insight {R} Sorcery U EN Ryan Barger $0.07 €0.27 0.07
ORI 232 Mage-Ring Responder {7} Artifact Creature R EN Adam Paquette $0.12 €0.13 0.02
CMM 1009 Mage-Ring Network Land U EN Jung Park $0.17 €0.14 0.05
ORI 154 Mage-Ring Bully {1}{R} Creature C EN Karl Kopinski $0.04 €0.14 0.03
MM3 99 Madcap Skills {1}{R} Enchantment C EN Anthony Palumbo $0.10 €0.06 0.03
KLD 122 Madcap Experiment {3}{R} Sorcery R EN Joseph Meehan $0.09 €0.13 0.02
2X2 246 Lyev Skyknight {1}{W}{U} Creature C EN Johannes Voss $0.02 €0.06 0.04
DGM 3 Lyev Decree {1}{W} Sorcery C EN Kev Walker $0.02 €0.02 0.04
AKH 232 Luxa River Shrine {3} Artifact C EN Sung Choi $0.05 €0.11 0.03
DTK 192 Lurking Arynx {4}{G} Creature U EN Carl Frank $0.03 €0.03 0.05
HOU 69 Lurching Rotbeast {3}{B} Creature C EN Jason A. Engle $0.04 €0.13 0.03
EMN 68 Lunar Force {2}{U} Enchantment U EN Eric Deschamps $0.09 €0.09 0.03
GTC 20 Luminate Primordial {5}{W}{W} Creature R EN Stephan Martiniere $0.23 €0.49 0.02
AFC 247 Lumbering Falls Land R EN Titus Lunter $0.19 €0.21
RTR 178 Loxodon Smiter {1}{G}{W} Creature R EN Ryan Barger $0.20 €0.22 0.02
FRF 39 Lotus Path Djinn {3}{U} Creature C EN Steve Argyle $0.05 €0.10 0.03
UMA 23 Lotus-Eye Mystics {3}{W} Creature C EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.04 €0.03 0.06
2X2 245 Lotleth Troll {B}{G} Creature U EN Vincent Proce $0.11 €0.13 0.04
THS 52 Lost in a Labyrinth {U} Instant C EN Winona Nelson $0.02 €0.04 0.04
DTK 147 Lose Calm {3}{R} Sorcery C EN Jason A. Engle $0.02 €0.03 0.03
RVR 81 Lord of the Void {4}{B}{B}{B} Creature M EN Chris Rahn $5.65 €6.67 0.23
BFZ 238 Looming Spires Land C EN Florian de Gesincourt $0.05 €0.08 0.03
KLD 54 Long-Finned Skywhale {2}{U}{U} Creature U EN Cliff Childs $0.07 €0.04 0.04
RTR 99 Lobber Crew {2}{R} Creature C EN Greg Staples $0.12 €0.08 0.03
THS 95 Loathsome Catoblepas {5}{B} Creature C EN Christopher Burdett $0.05 €0.03 0.04
OGW 135 Loam Larva {1}{G} Creature C EN Jason Kang $0.05 €0.03 0.03
SOI 216 Loam Dryad {G} Creature C EN Jose Cabrera $0.04 €0.08 0.03
DDU 18 Llanowar Empath {3}{G} Creature C EN Warren Mahy $0.12 €0.13
M15 184 Living Totem {3}{G} Creature C EN Svetlin Velinov $0.06 €0.08 0.03
C21 121 Living Lore {3}{U} Creature U EN Jason Felix $0.02 €0.08
BBD 148 Liturgy of Blood {3}{B}{B} Sorcery C EN Zack Stella $0.04 €0.03
BFZ 38 Lithomancer's Focus {W} Instant C EN Cynthia Sheppard $0.06 €0.04 0.03
OGW 25 Linvala, the Preserver {4}{W}{W} Lgd. Creature M EN Magali Villeneuve $0.31 €0.96 0.02
AKH 140 Limits of Solidarity {3}{R} Sorcery U EN Craig J Spearing $0.03 €0.04 0.04
GVL 32 Liliana Vess {3}{B}{B} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Terese Nielsen ✶ $7.07
AKH 277 Liliana's Influence {4}{B}{B} Sorcery R EN Winona Nelson $0.40 €0.53 0.81
SOI 120 Liliana's Indignation {X}{B} Sorcery U EN Daarken $0.13 €0.11 0.03
M14 102 Liliana of the Dark Realms {2}{B}{B} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN D. Alexander Gregory $15.43 €10.78 0.02
CC2 1 Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer {1}{B}{B} Lgd. Creature M EN Bastien L. Deharme $3.81 €2.35
AKH 275 Liliana, Death Wielder {5}{B}{B} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Clint Cearley ✶ $8.29
BNG 101 Lightning Volley {3}{R} Instant U EN John Avon $0.11 €0.15 0.04
BBD 180 Lightning Talons {2}{R} Enchantment C EN Johann Bodin $0.06 €0.09
AER 90 Lightning Runner {3}{R}{R} Creature M EN Raymond Swanland $1.95 €0.71 0.02
ORI 153 Lightning Javelin {3}{R} Sorcery C EN Seb McKinnon $0.07 €0.08 0.03
DTK 146 Lightning Berserker {R} Creature U EN Joseph Meehan $0.10 €0.11 0.03
C18 68 Lightform {1}{W}{W} Enchantment U EN Steve Prescott $0.07 €0.16
BFZ 177 Lifespring Druid {2}{G} Creature C EN Willian Murai $0.06 €0.06 0.03
NCC 300 Life's Legacy {1}{G} Sorcery R EN Howard Lyon $2.98 €3.26
AER 112 Lifecraft Awakening {X}{G} Instant U EN Raoul Vitale $0.04 €0.03 0.04
M14 101 Lifebane Zombie {1}{B}{B} Creature R EN Min Yum $0.37 €0.43 0.02
KLD 267 Liberating Combustion {4}{R} Sorcery R EN Lius Lasahido $0.14 €0.13 0.02
DDM 16 Leyline Phantom {4}{U} Creature C EN Ryan Yee $0.15 €0.06 0.05
DDN 4 Leonin Snarecaster {1}{W} Creature C EN Kev Walker $0.35 €0.02
JOU 16 Leonin Iconoclast {3}{W} Creature U EN Steve Prescott $0.06 €0.12 0.04
2X2 242 Legion's Initiative {R}{W} Enchantment R EN Jaime Jones $0.75 €0.31 0.02
GTC 97 Legion Loyalist {R} Creature R EN Eric Deschamps $4.74 €6.20 0.06
DTK 60 Learn from the Past {3}{U} Instant U EN Chase Stone $0.05 €0.16 0.03
THS 161 Leafcrown Dryad {1}{G} Enchantment Creature C EN Volkan Baǵa $0.08 €0.13 0.03
BBD 205 Lead by Example {1}{G} Instant C EN Johannes Voss $0.03 €0.05
ZNC 92 Lazav, Dimir Mastermind {U}{U}{B}{B} Lgd. Creature M EN David Rapoza $0.74 €0.49
CN2 185 Lay of the Land {G} Sorcery C EN Chuck Lukacs $0.09 €0.09
AKH 96 Lay Bare the Heart {1}{B} Sorcery U EN Karl Kopinski $0.04 €0.16 0.03
CLU 199 Lavinia of the Tenth {3}{W}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Willian Murai $0.09 €0.19
BFZ 147 Lavastep Raider {R} Creature C EN Matt Stewart $0.04 €0.05 0.04
JOU 15 Launch the Fleet {W} Sorcery R EN Karl Kopinski $0.63 €0.53 0.02
KLD 121 Lathnu Hellion {2}{R} Creature R EN Lars Grant-West $0.10 €0.18 0.02
GTC 40 Last Thoughts {3}{U} Sorcery C EN Peter Mohrbacher $0.05 €0.11 0.03
2X2 15 Last Breath {1}{W} Instant C EN Christina Davis $0.02 €0.10 0.04
EMN 9 Lashweed Lurker {8} Creature U EN Igor Kieryluk $0.10 €0.12 0.03
THS 94 Lash of the Whip {4}{B} Instant C EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.02 €0.02 0.03
KLD 160 Larger Than Life {1}{G} Sorcery C EN Jaime Jones $0.03 €0.04 0.03
BFZ 37 Lantern Scout {2}{W} Creature R EN Steven Belledin $0.09 €0.15 0.02
SOI 72 Lamplighter of Selhoff {4}{U} Creature C EN Clint Cearley $0.03 €0.10 0.03
SOI 215 Lambholt Pacifist // Lambholt Butcher {1}{G} Creature U EN Ryan Pancoast $0.10 €0.17 0.03
JOU 14 Lagonna-Band Trailblazer {W} Creature C EN James Zapata $0.14 €0.15 0.03
THS 21 Lagonna-Band Elder {2}{W} Creature C EN Min Yum $0.02 €0.06 0.03
2X2 115 Labyrinth Champion {3}{R} Creature U EN Chase Stone $0.01 €0.07 0.04