1051 – 1225 of 5,883 cards where the colors ≥ U

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
MOC 40 Cutthroat Negotiator {2}{U}{R} Creature R EN Lucas Graciano $0.18 €0.26
SNC 38 Cut Your Losses {4}{U}{U} Sorcery R EN Dominik Mayer $0.46 €0.30 0.01
WHO 38 Cyber Conversion {U}{U} Instant R EN Eddie Schillo $1.76 €2.94
NEC 12 Cyberdrive Awakener {5}{U} Artifact Creature R EN Zezhou Chen $5.73 €10.64 5.59
40K 114 Cybernetica Datasmith {1}{U}{B} Artifact Creature R EN Marina Ortega Lorente $0.08 €0.15 0.04
OGW 54 Cyclone Sire {4}{U} Creature U EN Igor Kieryluk $0.04 €0.03 0.03
KHM 52 Cyclone Summoner {5}{U}{U} Creature R EN Andrey Kuzinskiy $0.17 €0.27 0.02
RVR 40 Cyclonic Rift {1}{U} Instant M EN Isis $37.63 €27.46 0.62
BOT 9 Cyclonus, the Saboteur // Cyclonus, Cybertronian Fighter {2}{U}{B} Lgd. Artifact Creature M EN Volta Creation $0.30 2.22
MH3 182 Cyclops Superconductor {1}{U}{R} Creature C EN Leonardo Santanna $0.04 €0.03 0.03
DIS 23 Cytoplast Manipulator {2}{U}{U} Creature R EN Dan Murayama Scott $4.89 €1.93 0.02
DIS 108 Cytoshape {1}{G}{U} Instant R EN Alan Pollack $0.38 €0.17 0.02
EMA 199 Dack Fayden {1}{U}{R} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Eric Deschamps $11.36 €8.94 0.80
2X2 198 Dack's Duplicate {2}{U}{R} Creature R EN Karl Kopinski $0.26 €0.20 0.02
ME1 143 Dakkon Blackblade {2}{W}{U}{U}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Richard Kane Ferguson 0.02
MH2 192 Dakkon, Shadow Slayer {W}{U}{B} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Richard Kane Ferguson $0.27 €0.48 0.02
JOU 35 Dakra Mystic {U} Creature U EN Wesley Burt $0.22 €0.33 0.03
THB 212 Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders {1}{U}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Ryan Pancoast $0.15 €0.15 0.02
CM2 2 Damia, Sage of Stone {4}{B}{G}{U} Lgd. Creature M EN Steve Argyle ✶ $4.92
BFZ 75 Dampening Pulse {3}{U} Enchantment U EN Johann Bodin $0.05 €0.04 0.03
MMA 39 Dampen Thought {1}{U} Instant C EN Arnie Swekel $0.10 €0.11 0.04
ME3 34 Dance of Many {U}{U} Enchantment U EN Sandra Everingham 0.04
NEC 136 Dance of the Manse {X}{W}{U} Sorcery R EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.36 €0.42
DTK 50 Dance of the Skywise {1}{U} Instant U EN Jack Wang $0.16 €0.04 0.04
TSB 19 Dandân {U}{U} Creature S EN Drew Tucker $12.42 €3.97 0.02
WHO 39 Danny Pink {3}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Daniel Correia $5.53 €5.15
9ED 72 Daring Apprentice {1}{U}{U} Creature R EN Dany Orizio $0.36 €0.18 0.02
PLS 101 Daring Leap {1}{W}{U} Instant C EN Paolo Parente $0.11 €0.04 0.12
LCC 151 Daring Saboteur {1}{U} Creature U EN Victor Adame Minguez $0.04 €0.09
SOI 54 Daring Sleuth // Bearer of Overwhelming Truths {1}{U} Creature U EN Seb McKinnon $0.18 €0.11 0.03
JOU 36 Daring Thief {2}{U} Creature R EN Johann Bodin $0.41 €0.34 0.02
OTJ 41 Daring Thunder-Thief {3}{U} Creature C EN Inkognit $0.02 €0.02 0.02
GRN 164 Darkblade Agent {1}{U}{B} Creature C EN Joe Slucher $0.06 €0.08 0.03
AER 128 Dark Intimations {2}{U}{B}{R} Sorcery R EN Chase Stone $0.20 €0.31 0.02
5ED 80 Dark Maze {4}{U} Creature C EN David Seeley $0.09 €0.15
SOM 30 Darkslick Drake {2}{U}{U} Creature U EN Chippy $0.09 €0.08 0.04
MMQ 72 Darting Merfolk {1}{U} Creature C EN Sam Wood $0.20 €0.20 0.12
WHO 1 Davros, Dalek Creator {1}{U}{B}{R} Lgd. Artifact Creature M EN Simon Dominic ✶ $0.15
ALA 39 Dawnray Archer {2}{U} Creature U EN Dan Dos Santos $0.14 €0.22 0.03
NCC 335 Daxos of Meletis {1}{W}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Karla Ortiz $0.13 €0.16
KHC 38 Day of the Dragons {4}{U}{U}{U} Enchantment R EN Matthew D. Wilson $0.16 €0.16 0.02
CMM 85 Day's Undoing {2}{U} Sorcery R EN Jonas De Ro $1.64 €2.82 1.86
EMA 44 Daze {1}{U} Instant U EN Min Yum $2.25 €1.93 9.15
GRN 34 Dazzling Lights {U} Instant C EN Robbie Trevino $0.02 €0.07 0.03
OTC 93 Dazzling Sphinx {3}{U}{U} Creature R EN Oriana Menendez $0.06 €0.18 0.42
RIX 155 Deadeye Brawler {2}{U}{B} Creature U EN Jesper Ejsing $0.10 €0.19 0.03
MM3 36 Deadeye Navigator {4}{U}{U} Creature R EN Tomasz Jedruszek $6.75 €5.99 0.02
XLN 220 Deadeye Plunderers {3}{U}{B} Creature U EN Greg Opalinski $0.12 €0.15 0.03
XLN 50 Deadeye Quartermaster {3}{U} Creature U EN Josh Hass $0.18 €0.16 0.03
RIX 36 Deadeye Rig-Hauler {3}{U} Creature C EN Victor Adame Minguez $0.04 €0.12 0.03
GTC 218 Deathcult Rogue {1}{U/B}{U/B} Creature C EN David Palumbo $0.09 €0.20 0.03
CMA 36 Deceiver Exarch {2}{U} Creature U EN Izzy $0.33 €0.27
LTR 47 Deceive the Messenger {U} Instant C EN Tomas Duchek $0.03 €0.08 0.03
GN2 19 Decision Paralysis {3}{U} Instant C EN Vincent Proce €0.09
UNF 44 Decisions, Decisions {3}{U} Sorcery C EN Setor Fiadzigbey $0.02 €0.07
STX 177 Decisive Denial {G}{U} Instant U EN Lorenzo Mastroianni $0.19 €0.18 0.03
MOR 29 Declaration of Naught {U}{U} Enchantment R EN Rob Alexander $2.04 €0.67 0.02
C20 32 Decoy Gambit {2}{U} Instant R EN Ravenna Tran $0.06 €0.14 0.28
SCG 32 Decree of Silence {6}{U}{U} Enchantment R EN Adam Rex $5.31 €2.13 0.02
MKM 52 Deduce {1}{U} Instant C EN Quintin Gleim $0.09 €0.16 0.03
C21 26 Deekah, Fractal Theorist {4}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Donato Giancola $3.81 €4.29 2.16
UNF 167 Dee Kay, Finder of the Lost {1}{U}{B} Lgd. Creature U EN Vladimir Krisetskiy $0.05 €0.15
MH3 57 Deem Inferior {3}{U} Sorcery C EN Steven Russell Black $0.04 €0.05 0.03
MH3 268 Deep Analysis {3}{U} Sorcery U EN Jesper Ejsing $0.04 €0.10 0.03
SHM 35 Deepchannel Mentor {5}{U} Creature U EN Jesper Ejsing $5.26 €2.66 0.03
LCI 228 Deepfathom Echo {2}{G}{U} Creature R EN Matt Stewart $0.14 €0.14 0.01
DOM 50 Deep Freeze {2}{U} Enchantment C EN Svetlin Velinov $0.03 €0.13 0.03
CMM 844 Deepglow Skate {4}{U} Creature R EN Jason Kang $1.04 €0.85 0.19
OTJ 42 Deepmuck Desperado {2}{U} Creature U EN Loïc Canavaggia $0.04 €0.13 0.02
LCI 52 Deeproot Pilgrimage {1}{U} Enchantment R EN Rémi Jacquot $0.91 €1.44 0.25
LCC 152 Deeproot Waters {2}{U} Enchantment U EN Zezhou Chen $0.12 €0.19
DDS 3 Deep-Sea Kraken {7}{U}{U}{U} Creature R EN Christopher Moeller $2.23 €0.87
POR 51 Deep-Sea Serpent {4}{U}{U} Creature U EN Scott M. Fischer $0.26 €0.24
ORI 52 Deep-Sea Terror {4}{U}{U} Creature C EN Marco Nelor $0.04 €0.04 0.04
ME2 45 Deep Spawn {5}{U}{U}{U} Creature R EN Mark Tedin 0.02
LRW 57 Deeptread Merrow {1}{U} Creature C EN Terese Nielsen & Philip Tan $0.09 €0.14 0.04
DRK 23 Deep Water {U}{U} Enchantment C EN Jeff A. Menges $0.22 €0.25
BNG 35 Deepwater Hypnotist {1}{U} Creature C EN Christopher Moeller $0.03 €0.09 0.03
BRO 45 Defabricate {1}{U} Instant U EN Uriah Voth $0.09 €0.17 0.03
UST 32 Defective Detective {2}{U} Creature C EN Matt Dixon $0.04 €0.03
NPH 34 Defensive Stance {U} Enchantment C EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.08 €0.03 0.03
DMU 46 Defiler of Dreams {3}{U}{U} Creature R EN Ryan Pancoast $0.25 €0.30 0.02
8ED 74 Deflection {3}{U} Instant R EN Jeremy Jarvis $0.22 €0.23 0.02
ALA 165 Deft Duelist {W}{U} Creature C EN David Palumbo $0.09 €0.08 0.03
UMA 48 Defy Gravity {U} Instant C EN Ben Thompson $0.12 €0.11 0.04
10E 78 Dehydration {3}{U} Enchantment C EN Arnie Swekel $0.04 €0.02 0.03
P02 36 Déjà Vu {2}{U} Sorcery C EN David Horne $0.65 €0.15
TSR 61 Delay {1}{U} Instant U EN Svetlin Velinov $2.36 €1.37 0.04
ZNR 56 Deliberate {1}{U} Instant C EN Slawomir Maniak $0.08 €0.07 0.03
10E 79 Deluge {2}{U} Instant U EN Wayne England $0.39 €0.24 0.03
7ED 70 Delusions of Mediocrity {3}{U} Enchantment R EN Terese Nielsen $0.66 €0.45 0.02
MOC 21 Deluxe Dragster {4}{U} Artifact R EN Gabor Szikszai $0.39 €0.38 1.15
MID 47 Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration {U} Creature U EN Matt Stewart $0.29 €0.61 0.04
ODY 81 Dematerialize {3}{U} Sorcery C EN Mike Ploog $0.07 €0.03 0.05
TSP 236 Dementia Sliver {3}{U}{B} Creature U EN Una Fricker $0.25 €0.22 0.03
AFR 53 Demilich {U}{U}{U}{U} Creature M EN Daniel Zrom $1.19 €2.28 0.55
LTC 20 Denethor, Stone Seer {1}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Bruno Biazotto $0.07 €0.30 0.15
UGL 22 Denied! {U} Instant C EN Quinton Hoover $0.27 €0.19
DMR 47 Denizen of the Deep {6}{U}{U} Creature R EN Anson Maddocks $0.11 €0.15 0.02
MID 217 Dennick, Pious Apprentice // Dennick, Pious Apparition {W}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Chris Rallis $0.31 €0.58 0.02
NCC 71 Denry Klin, Editor in Chief {2}{W}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Aaron J. Riley $0.18 €0.20
SOI 55 Deny Existence {2}{U} Instant C EN Christopher Moeller $0.06 €0.12 0.03
PCY 32 Denying Wind {7}{U}{U} Sorcery R EN Tony Szczudlo $0.42 €0.47 0.12
PCA 85 Deny Reality {3}{U}{B} Sorcery C EN Jean-Sébastien Rossbach €0.12
THB 47 Deny the Divine {2}{U} Instant C EN Yigit Koroglu $0.05 €0.04 0.04
40K 116 Deny the Witch {1}{W}{U}{B} Instant U EN Games Workshop $0.12 €0.23 0.08
LCC 153 Departed Deckhand {1}{U} Creature U EN Zoltan Boros $0.04 €0.10
KHM 53 Depart the Realm {1}{U} Instant C EN Denman Rooke $0.06 €0.04 0.03
CLU 185 Depose // Deploy {1}{W/U} // {2}{W}{U} Instant // Instant U EN Sara Winters $0.19 €0.16
ROE 59 Deprive {U}{U} Instant C EN Izzy $0.38 €0.57 0.03
XLN 52 Depths of Desire {2}{U} Instant C EN John Stanko $0.08 €0.11 0.03
RVR 177 Deputy of Acquittals {W}{U} Creature C EN James Ryman $0.03 €0.06 0.04
RNA 165 Deputy of Detention {1}{W}{U} Creature R EN G-host Lee $0.22 €0.51 0.02
CMM 87 Deranged Assistant {1}{U} Creature C EN Nils Hamm $0.02 €0.04 0.04
CMA 176 Derevi, Empyrial Tactician {G}{W}{U} Lgd. Creature M EN Michael Komarck ✶ $14.31
LGN 35 Dermoplasm {2}{U} Creature R EN John Avon $0.24 €0.28 0.02
SOK 33 Descendant of Soramaro {3}{U} Creature C EN Brian Despain $0.14 €0.09 0.03
CN2 107 Desertion {3}{U}{U} Instant R EN Richard Kane Ferguson $2.29 €1.75
ACR 16 Desynchronization {2}{U}{U} Instant R EN Lie Setiawan $5.03 €1.74
BRO 46 Desynchronize {4}{U} Instant C EN Rovina Cai $0.02 €0.02 0.03
MKC 21 Detective of the Month {2}{U} Creature R EN Stella Spente $0.10 €0.30 0.72
MKM 196 Detective's Satchel {2}{U}{R} Artifact U EN Andrew Mar $0.04 €0.12 0.03
RTR 155 Detention Sphere {1}{W}{U} Enchantment R EN Kev Walker $0.33 €0.29 0.02
C18 85 Devastation Tide {3}{U}{U} Sorcery R EN Raymond Swanland $0.44 €0.55
MID 48 Devious Cover-Up {2}{U}{U} Instant C EN Colin Boyer $0.02 €0.08 0.03
MID 218 Devoted Grafkeeper // Departed Soulkeeper {W}{U} Creature U EN Raoul Vitale $0.02 €0.05 0.03
THB 213 Devourer of Memory {U}{B} Creature U EN Daarken $0.08 €0.11 0.03
LEG 50 Devouring Deep {2}{U} Creature C EN Liz Danforth $0.27 €0.52
MOR 30 Dewdrop Spy {1}{U}{U} Creature C EN Wayne England $0.21 €0.10 0.03
ME2 191 Diabolic Vision {U}{B} Sorcery U EN Anthony S. Waters 0.04
CSP 128 Diamond Faerie {2}{G}{W}{U} Snow Creature R EN Heather Hudson $0.77 €0.52 0.02
PLC 38 Dichotomancy {7}{U}{U} Sorcery R EN Steven Belledin $0.24 €0.21 0.02
C18 86 Dictate of Kruphix {1}{U}{U} Enchantment R EN Daarken $2.53 €1.21
LCI 53 Didact Echo {4}{U} Creature C EN Irina Nordsol $0.02 €0.04 0.01
ELD 42 Didn't Say Please {1}{U}{U} Instant C EN Jason A. Engle $0.21 €0.15 0.03
CMM 845 Diffusion Sliver {1}{U} Creature U EN Campbell White $0.54 €0.83 0.67
OTC 95 Dig Through Time {6}{U}{U} Instant R EN Ryan Yee $0.15 €0.26 0.05
MH2 193 Dihada's Ploy {1}{U}{B} Instant C EN Jason A. Engle $0.04 €0.10 0.03
DOM 51 Diligent Excavator {1}{U} Creature U EN Mark Behm $0.04 €0.11 0.03
OTC 96 Diluvian Primordial {5}{U}{U} Creature R EN Stephan Martiniere $0.11 €0.19 0.03
IMA 50 Diminish {U} Instant C EN Eric Deschamps $0.04 €0.05 0.06
WOE 46 Diminisher Witch {2}{U} Creature C EN Fariba Khamseh $0.02 €0.08 0.03
EMA 46 Diminishing Returns {2}{U}{U} Sorcery R EN Greg Opalinski $6.12 €2.55 0.02
GTC 154 Dimir Charm {U}{B} Instant U EN Zoltan Boros $0.21 €0.33 0.03
DDH 49 Dimir Cutpurse {1}{U}{B} Creature R EN Kev Walker $0.33 €0.26 0.22
CNS 186 Dimir Doppelganger {1}{U}{B} Creature R EN Jim Murray $0.69 €0.65
CLU 186 Dimir Guildmage {U/B}{U/B} Creature U EN Adam Rex $0.11 €0.21
PCA 86 Dimir Infiltrator {U}{B} Creature C EN Jim Nelson $1.19 €0.85
GRN 36 Dimir Informant {2}{U} Creature C EN Lucas Graciano $0.02 €0.08 0.03
MKC 206 Dimir Spybug {U}{B} Creature U EN James Paick $0.06 €0.05 0.04
CLU 30 Dimir Strandcatcher {2}{U/B}{U/B} Creature R EN Iris Compiet $1.64 €2.34
JMP 450 Dinrova Horror {4}{U}{B} Creature U EN Johann Bodin $0.07 €0.32
MMQ 74 Diplomatic Escort {1}{U} Creature U EN Rebecca Guay $0.26 €0.17 0.09
MMQ 75 Diplomatic Immunity {1}{U} Enchantment C EN Terese Nielsen $1.30 €0.87 0.04
MIC 148 Diregraf Captain {1}{U}{B} Creature U EN Slawomir Maniak $0.28 €0.24
SHM 159 Dire Undercurrents {3}{U/B}{U/B} Enchantment R EN Franz Vohwinkel $9.97 €4.21 0.02
DTK 51 Dirgur Nemesis {5}{U} Creature C EN Mathias Kollros $0.02 €0.06 0.05
AER 31 Disallow {1}{U}{U} Instant R EN Min Yum $3.18 €2.11 0.02
UDS 30 Disappear {2}{U}{U} Enchantment U EN Edward P. Beard, Jr. $0.15 €0.24 0.04
KLD 43 Disappearing Act {1}{U}{U} Instant U EN Anthony Palumbo $0.05 €0.12 0.03
MRD 32 Disarm {U} Instant C EN Alex Horley-Orlandelli $0.11 €0.02 0.04
JOU 148 Disciple of Deceit {U}{B} Creature U EN Daarken $0.27 €0.22 0.03
2X2 46 Disciple of the Ring {3}{U}{U} Creature R EN Clint Cearley $0.14 €0.15 0.02
SNC 182 Disciplined Duelist {G}{W}{U} Creature U EN Josu Hernaiz $0.02 €0.06 0.01
10E 81 Discombobulate {2}{U}{U} Instant U EN Alex Horley-Orlandelli $0.15 €0.12 0.04
M21 48 Discontinuity {3}{U}{U}{U} Instant M EN Volkan Baǵa $0.91 €3.34 0.28
YMID 15 Discover the Formula {4}{U}{U} Instant R EN Joshua Cairos
NEO 50 Discover the Impossible {2}{U} Instant U EN Ryan Pancoast $0.02 €0.05 0.01
CLU 187 Discovery // Dispersal {1}{U/B} // {3}{U}{B} Sorcery // Instant U EN Mark Behm $0.12 €0.17
WOE 47 Disdainful Stroke {1}{U} Instant U EN Eelis Kyttanen $0.09 €0.14 0.03
MKC 208 Disinformation Campaign {1}{U}{B} Enchantment U EN Anthony Palumbo $0.04 €0.05 0.04
PLC 39 Dismal Failure {2}{U}{U} Instant U EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.22 €0.19 0.04
CN2 108 Dismiss {2}{U}{U} Instant U EN Donato Giancola $0.14 €0.09
M14 50 Dismiss into Dream {6}{U} Enchantment R EN Sam Wolfe Connelly $0.78 €0.83 0.02
MKC 209 Disorder in the Court {X}{W}{U} Instant R EN Zoltan Boros $0.10 €0.21 3.90