26076 – 26250 of 27,243 cards where it’s legal in Duel Commander

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
NCC 326 Artifact Mutation {R}{G} Instant R EN José Parodi $0.37 €0.47
ME4 108 Artifact Blast {R} Instant C EN Mark Poole 0.04
GRN 151 Artful Takedown {2}{U}{B} Instant C EN Mike Bierek $0.04 €0.06 0.04
DTK 4 Artful Maneuver {1}{W} Instant C EN Lars Grant-West $0.03 €0.11 0.03
DKA 27 Artful Dodge {U} Sorcery C EN Tomasz Jedruszek $0.35 €0.52 0.03
RIX 62 Arterial Flow {1}{B}{B} Sorcery U EN Josh Hass $0.27 €0.31 0.03
VOC 23 Arterial Alchemy {2}{R} Enchantment R EN Caio Monteiro $0.11 €0.19
HOP 96 Arsenal Thresher {2}{W/B}{U} Artifact Creature C EN Ralph Horsley $0.19 €0.07 0.04
DDN 71 Arrow Volley Trap {3}{W}{W} Instant U EN Steve Argyle $0.04 €0.02
KTK 98 Arrow Storm {3}{R}{R} Sorcery C EN Steve Prescott $0.05 €0.05 0.04
GTC 211 Arrows of Justice {2}{R/W} Instant U EN James Ryman $0.05 €0.06 0.03
VMA 195 Arrogant Wurm {3}{G}{G} Creature C EN John Avon 0.04
POR 79 Arrogant Vampire {3}{B}{B} Creature U EN Zina Saunders $0.24 €0.26
STX 63 Arrogant Poet {1}{B} Creature C EN Billy Christian $0.01 €0.04 0.03
MID 84 Arrogant Outlaw {2}{B} Creature C EN Aurore Folny $0.02 €0.10 0.03
ROE 94 Arrogant Bloodlord {1}{B}{B} Creature U EN Mike Bierek $0.10 €0.13 0.03
RVR 4 Arrester's Zeal {W} Instant C EN Izzy $0.05 €0.06 0.04
RNA 31 Arrester's Admonition {2}{U} Instant C EN Lucas Graciano $0.03 €0.08 0.05
MM2 9 Arrest {2}{W} Enchantment C EN Daarken $0.08 €0.07 0.05
DMU 193 Aron, Benalia's Ruin {W}{W}{B} Lgd. Creature U EN Mark Winters $0.04 €0.06 0.03
ICE 57 Arnjlot's Ascent {1}{U}{U} Enchantment C EN Drew Tucker $0.10 €0.05
KHM 201 Arni Slays the Troll {R}{G} Enchantment U EN Simon Dominic $0.09 €0.12 0.03
MAT 16 Arni Metalbrow {2}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Tyler Jacobson $0.11 €0.24 0.02
KHM 120 Arni Brokenbrow {2}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Dmitry Burmak $0.10 €0.12 0.02
MH3 178 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain {2}{W}{U}{B} Lgd. Creature M EN Cristi Balanescu $0.75 €0.18 0.02
NCC 242 Army of the Damned {5}{B}{B}{B} Sorcery M EN Ryan Pancoast $0.45 €0.43
ARN 2 Army of Allah {1}{W}{W} Instant C EN Brian Snõddy $24.81 €16.97
VIS 126 Army Ants {1}{B}{R} Creature U EN Geofrey Darrow & I. Rabarot $0.27 €0.16 0.04
NPH 28 Arm with Aether {2}{U} Sorcery U EN Austin Hsu $0.18 €0.16 0.04
VOW 3 Arm the Cathars {1}{W}{W} Sorcery U EN Zoltan Boros $0.03 €0.02 0.04
BRO 126 Arms Race {3}{R} Enchantment U EN Leesha Hannigan $0.02 €0.04 0.03
CLB 113 Arms of Hadar {3}{B} Sorcery C EN Mirko Failoni $0.09 €0.60 1.28
M13 120 Arms Dealer {2}{R} Creature U EN Wayne Reynolds $0.15 €0.17 0.03
AFR 130 Armory Veteran {1}{R} Creature C EN Caio Monteiro $0.02 €0.04 0.03
PIP 93 Armory Paladin {1}{R}{W} Creature R EN Javier Charro $0.19 €0.27
CMR 299 Armory of Iroas {2} Artifact C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.03 €0.09 0.05
WOE 3 Armory Mice {1}{W} Creature C EN Chris Seaman $0.02 €0.05 0.03
RVR 3 Armory Guard {3}{W} Creature C EN Karl Kopinski $0.01 €0.02 0.04
C16 51 Armory Automaton {3} Artifact Creature R EN James Paick $2.67 €3.45
ME2 77 Armor Thrull {2}{B} Creature C EN Pete Venters 0.04
TPR 4 Armor Sliver {2}{W} Creature C EN Scott Kirschner 0.05
VMA 194 Armor of Thorns {1}{G} Enchantment C EN Alan Rabinowitz 0.05
CLB 112 Armor of Shadows {B} Instant C EN Craig J Spearing $0.07 €0.15 0.78
ME2 4 Armor of Faith {W} Enchantment C EN Anson Maddocks 0.05
MIR 156 Armorer Guildmage {R} Creature C EN Martin McKenna $0.12 €0.05 0.09
DGM 52 Armored Wolf-Rider {3}{G}{W} Creature C EN Matt Stewart $0.03 €0.12 0.03
GS1 7 Armored Whirl Turtle {2}{U} Creature C EN Tingting Yeh $0.13 €0.21
M12 7 Armored Warhorse {W}{W} Creature C EN rk post $0.14 €0.18 0.04
GTC 226 Armored Transport {3} Artifact Creature C EN Cliff Childs $0.03 €0.15 0.04
CMR 11 Armored Skyhunter {3}{W} Creature R EN Denman Rooke $4.32 €2.44 3.18
ISD 43 Armored Skaab {2}{U} Creature C EN Volkan Baǵa $0.06 €0.13 0.03
ONE 158 Armored Scrapgorger {1}{G} Creature U EN Martin de Diego Sádaba $0.18 €0.13 0.03
TPR 5 Armored Pegasus {1}{W} Creature C EN Una Fricker 0.06
LCI 174 Armored Kincaller {2}{G} Creature C EN John Tedrick $0.01 €0.04 0.04
INV 230 Armored Guardian {3}{W}{U} Creature R EN Arnie Swekel $0.28 €0.16 0.02
PCA 1 Armored Griffin {3}{W} Creature U EN Brad Rigney $0.13 €0.13
P02 33 Armored Galleon {4}{U} Creature U EN Doug Chaffee $1.26 €1.00
M14 44 Armored Cancrix {4}{U} Creature C EN Tomasz Jedruszek $0.01 €0.09 0.04
M11 5 Armored Ascension {3}{W} Enchantment U EN Jesper Ejsing $0.29 €0.32 0.03
OTJ 3 Armored Armadillo {W} Creature C EN Leon Tukker $0.01 €0.09 0.01
CMM 273 Armorcraft Judge {3}{G} Creature U EN David Palumbo $0.11 €0.11 0.04
LCC 99 Arm-Mounted Anchor {3} Artifact R EN Nino Vecia $0.05 €0.16
CMR 108 Armix, Filigree Thrasher {2}{B} Lgd. Artifact Creature U EN Daniel Ljunggren $0.11 €0.16 0.04
C14 65 Armistice {2}{W} Enchantment R EN Dan Frazier $0.13 €0.14 0.02
CMR 298 Armillary Sphere {2} Artifact C EN Franz Vohwinkel $0.08 €0.05 0.04
NEO 46 Armguard Familiar {1}{U} Artifact Creature C EN Joshua Raphael $0.04 €0.06 0.01
MKC 9 Armed with Proof {2}{W} Enchantment R EN Serena Malyon $0.10 €0.23 0.33
5DN 2 Armed Response {2}{W} Instant C EN Doug Chaffee $0.07 €0.08 0.04
DGM 122 Armed // Dangerous {1}{R} // {3}{G} Sorcery // Sorcery U EN David Palumbo $0.15 €0.23 0.03
NEC 80 Armed and Armored {1}{W} Instant U EN Svetlin Velinov $0.12 €0.18
JOU 4 Armament of Nyx {2}{W} Enchantment C EN Slawomir Maniak $0.03 €0.08 0.04
ZEN 1 Armament Master {W}{W} Creature R EN Steven Belledin $0.16 €0.19 0.02
KTK 165 Armament Corps {2}{W}{B}{G} Creature U EN Steven Belledin $0.03 €0.04 0.04
ME4 180 Armageddon Clock {6} Artifact R EN Amy Weber 0.02
A25 5 Armageddon {3}{W} Sorcery M EN Chris Rahn $14.21 €8.43 0.66
EMA 195 Armadillo Cloak {1}{G}{W} Enchantment U EN Wayne Reynolds $0.70 €0.57 0.04
RTR 143 Armada Wurm {2}{G}{G}{W}{W} Creature M EN Volkan Baǵa $0.37 €0.82 0.02
WAR 150 Arlinn, Voice of the Pack {4}{G}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker U EN Ryan Pancoast $0.13 €0.10 0.03
MID 211 Arlinn, the Pack's Hope // Arlinn, the Moon's Fury {2}{R}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Anna Steinbauer $2.77 €4.06 0.02
WAR 151 Arlinn's Wolf {2}{G} Creature C EN Kimonas Theodossiou $0.07 €0.06 0.03
SOI 243 Arlinn Kord // Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon {2}{R}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Winona Nelson $2.78 €2.84 0.02
SCG 140 Ark of Blight {2} Artifact U EN David Martin $0.13 €0.09 0.04
2X2 172 Arjun, the Shifting Flame {4}{U}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Willian Murai $0.23 €0.19 0.03
2XM 189 Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle {2}{G}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Dimitar Marinski $1.53 €1.14 0.02
M19 292 Arisen Gorgon {1}{B}{B} Creature U EN Livia Prima $0.28 €0.13 0.57
MH2 244 Arid Mesa Land R EN Raymond Swanland $19.86 €15.77 2.96
OTJ 252 Arid Archway Land U EN Raymond Bonilla $0.28 €0.25 0.02
MH1 118 Aria of Flame {2}{R} Enchantment R EN Greg Staples $0.98 €0.67 0.02
XLN 90 Arguel's Blood Fast // Temple of Aclazotz {1}{B} Lgd. Enchantment // Lgd. Land R EN Daarken $0.30 €0.21 0.02
BRO 256a Argoth, Sanctum of Nature Land R EN Cristi Balanescu $1.69
USG 236 Argothian Wurm {3}{G} Creature R EN Kev Walker $2.53 €1.52 0.27
ME4 143 Argothian Treefolk {3}{G}{G} Creature U EN Amy Weber 0.04
USG 235 Argothian Swine {3}{G} Creature C EN Randy Elliott $0.15 €0.03 0.12
BRO 168 Argothian Sprite {1}{G} Creature C EN Rudy Siswanto $0.02 €0.14 0.03
ME4 142 Argothian Pixies {1}{G} Creature C EN Amy Weber 0.04
BRO 167 Argothian Opportunist {2}{G} Creature C EN Ina Wong $0.02 €0.04 0.03
EMA 158 Argothian Enchantress {1}{G} Creature M EN Daren Bader $35.11 €29.29 2.64
USG 233 Argothian Elder {3}{G} Creature U EN DiTerlizzi $0.65 €0.92 0.04
2XM 42 Argivian Restoration {2}{U}{U} Sorcery C EN Roger Raupp $0.06 €0.19 0.03
DMU 5 Argivian Phalanx {5}{W} Creature C EN Josh Hass $0.03 €0.07 0.03
WTH 6 Argivian Find {W} Instant U EN Roger Raupp $1.14 €0.92 0.13
DMU 4 Argivian Cavalier {2}{W} Creature C EN Chris Seaman $0.02 €0.07 0.03
ME4 4 Argivian Blacksmith {1}{W}{W} Creature U EN Kerstin Kaman 0.05
BRO 232 Argivian Avenger {6} Artifact Creature U EN Milivoj Ćeran $0.02 €0.09 0.03
ME1 3 Argivian Archaeologist {1}{W}{W} Creature R EN Amy Weber 0.02
ONE 222 Argentum Masticore {5} Artifact Creature R EN Zack Stella $0.12 €0.18 0.02
AFC 198 Argentum Armor {6} Artifact R EN Matt Cavotta $0.95 €0.65
MM2 41 Argent Sphinx {2}{U}{U} Creature R EN Chris Rahn $0.20 €0.21 0.02
NPH 27 Argent Mutation {2}{U} Instant U EN Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss $0.16 €0.13 0.03
MH3 20 Argent Dais {1}{W} Artifact R EN Carlos Palma Cruchaga $0.13 €0.09 0.02
5ED 6 Arenson's Aura {2}{W} Enchantment U EN D. Alexander Gregory $0.24 €0.10
THB 126 Arena Trickster {3}{R} Creature C EN PINDURSKI $0.02 €0.02 0.04
BBD 23 Arena Rector {3}{W} Creature M EN Ryan Pancoast $12.30 €17.90 2.07
ME3 188 Arena of the Ancients {3} Artifact R EN Tom Wänerstrand 0.03
MH3 215 Arena of Glory Land R EN Jorge Jacinto $2.74 €0.51 0.24
UMA 123 Arena Athlete {1}{R} Creature C EN Jason Chan $0.02 €0.07 0.06
TSB 117 Arena Land S EN Rob Alexander $5.78 €2.24 0.02
J22 29 Ardoz, Cobbler of War {1}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Kev Walker $2.47 €5.24
ELD 5 Ardenvale Tactician // Dizzying Swoop {1}{W}{W} // {1}{W} Creature C EN Jason Rainville $0.07 €0.08 0.03
ELD 4 Ardenvale Paladin {3}{W} Creature C EN Volkan Baǵa $0.02 €0.02 0.03
INV 3 Ardent Soldier {1}{W} Creature C EN Paolo Parente $0.07 €0.04 0.09
TD2 4 Ardent Recruit {W} Creature C EN Mike Bierek 0.22
ARB 1 Ardent Plea {1}{W}{U} Enchantment U EN Chippy $6.86 €5.56 0.75
8ED 3 Ardent Militia {4}{W} Creature U EN Paolo Parente $0.10 €0.09 0.04
MID 128 Ardent Elementalist {3}{R} Creature C EN Miguel Mercado $0.08 €0.09 0.03
ZNR 135 Ardent Electromancer {2}{R} Creature C EN Lie Setiawan $0.05 €0.05 0.03
STX 92 Ardent Dustspeaker {4}{R} Creature U EN Mads Ahm $0.04 €0.13 0.03
CMR 10 Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist {2}{W} Lgd. Creature U EN Jason Rainville $1.62 €0.71 0.75
SLD 1344 Arden Angel {4}{W}{W} Creature R EN Greg Staples ✶ $9.19
MH2 185 Arcus Acolyte {G}{W} Creature U EN Volkan Baǵa $0.07 €0.11 0.03
ICE 311 Arcum's Whistle {3} Artifact U EN Quinton Hoover $0.19 €0.11
ICE 310 Arcum's Weathervane {2} Artifact U EN Tom Wänerstrand $0.19 €0.11 0.04
ICE 309 Arcum's Sleigh {1} Artifact U EN Tom Wänerstrand $0.20 €0.13
MH1 220 Arcum's Astrolabe {S} Snow Artifact C EN Igor Kieryluk $0.10 €0.27 0.03
2XM 41 Arcum Dagsson {3}{U} Lgd. Creature M EN Pete Venters $10.64 €9.39 0.03
PCA 39 Arc Trail {1}{R} Sorcery U EN Marc Simonetti $0.08 €0.35
WTH 118 Arctic Wolves {3}{G}{G} Creature U EN Steve White $0.21 €0.22 0.04
KHM 249 Arctic Treeline Snow Land C EN Alayna Danner $0.38 €0.36 0.03
CSP 102 Arctic Nishoba {5}{G} Creature U EN Dave Kendall $0.17 €0.12 0.03
PLS 21 Arctic Merfolk {1}{U} Creature C EN Ron Spears $0.19 €0.13 0.05
ICE 2 Arctic Foxes {1}{W} Creature C EN Mark Poole $0.11 €0.06
CSP 143 Arctic Flats Snow Land U EN John Avon $1.38 €0.83 0.03
M13 42 Arctic Aven {2}{U} Creature U EN Igor Kieryluk $0.13 €0.08 0.03
SNC 233 Arc Spitter {1} Artifact U EN Matt Forsyth $0.03 €0.04 0.02
MRD 85 Arc-Slogger {3}{R}{R} Creature R EN Jeff Easley $0.32 €0.15 0.02
M11 123 Arc Runner {2}{R} Creature C EN Nils Hamm $0.07 €0.19 0.04
40K 29 Arco-Flagellant {2}{B} Creature R EN Games Workshop $0.13 €0.19 0.04
NEM 77 Arc Mage {2}{R} Creature U EN Terese Nielsen $0.13 €0.06 0.04
RVR 100 Arclight Phoenix {3}{R} Creature R EN Slawomir Maniak $3.66 €2.04 6.48
KTK 97y Arc Lightning {2}{R} Sorcery U EN Nathaniel Himawan
AVR 126 Archwing Dragon {2}{R}{R} Creature R EN Daarken $0.47 €0.50 0.02
RTR 114 Archweaver {5}{G}{G} Creature U EN Jason Felix $0.09 €0.15 0.03
MH3 214 Archway of Innovation Land R EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.74 €0.02 0.02
STX 263 Archway Commons Land C EN Piotr Dura $0.10 €0.06 0.03
RNA 3 Archway Angel {5}{W} Creature U EN Milivoj Ćeran $0.05 €0.19 0.03
MOM 89 Archpriest of Shadows {3}{B}{B} Creature R EN Fariba Khamseh $0.45 €0.51 0.02
CLB 686 Archpriest of Iona {W} Creature R EN Denman Rooke $0.06 €0.10
WOE 2 Archon's Glory {W} Instant C EN Anastasia Ovchinnikova $0.02 €0.09 0.03
C20 202 Archon of Valor's Reach {4}{G}{W} Creature R EN Gabor Szikszai $0.30 €0.28
WOE 1 Archon of the Wild Rose {2}{W}{W} Creature R EN Chris Rahn $0.17 €0.22 0.02
RTR 142 Archon of the Triumvirate {5}{W}{U} Creature R EN David Rapoza $0.11 €0.16 0.02
CMM 814 Archon of Sun's Grace {2}{W}{W} Creature R EN Matt Stewart $0.64 €0.36 0.14
JMP 90 Archon of Redemption {3}{W}{W} Creature R EN Steven Belledin $0.11 €0.09
JMP 89 Archon of Justice {3}{W}{W} Creature R EN Jason Chan $0.14 €0.17
THB 2 Archon of Falling Stars {4}{W}{W} Creature U EN Victor Adame Minguez $0.06 €0.07 0.03
ZNR 4 Archon of Emeria {2}{W} Creature R EN Ryan Pancoast $2.16 €2.17 1.65
MH2 75 Archon of Cruelty {6}{B}{B} Creature M EN Andrew Mar $6.87 €10.72 4.09
NCC 192 Archon of Coronation {4}{W}{W} Creature M EN Antonio José Manzanedo $0.29 €0.43
ELD 3 Archon of Absolution {3}{W} Creature U EN Igor Kieryluk $0.21 €0.19 0.03
LCC 319 Arch of Orazca Land R EN Titus Lunter $0.15 €0.22 0.25
OTJ 39 Archmage's Newt {1}{U} Creature R EN Edgar Sánchez Hidalgo $0.11 €0.18 0.01
MH1 40 Archmage's Charm {U}{U}{U} Instant R EN Alayna Danner $1.17 €2.92 0.09
WOC 9 Archmage of Echoes {4}{U} Creature R EN Olena Richards $2.33 €1.10 2.61
OTC 90 Archmage Emeritus {2}{U}{U} Creature R EN Caio Monteiro $1.76 €1.67 0.03
ZEN 42 Archmage Ascension {2}{U} Enchantment R EN Christopher Moeller $2.17 €0.78 0.02