876 – 1050 of 19,095 cards where it’s legal in Modern

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
VOW 137 Voldaren Bloodcaster // Bloodbat Summoner {1}{B} Creature R EN Kim Sokol $0.17 €0.24 0.02
MID 166 Voldaren Ambusher {2}{R} Creature U EN Evyn Fong $0.04 €0.12 0.03
PLC 111 Volcano Hellion {2}{R}{R} Creature R EN Wayne Reynolds $1.19 €0.35 0.02
C21 182 Volcanic Vision {5}{R}{R} Sorcery R EN Liiga Smilshkalne $0.14 €0.20
BFZ 161 Volcanic Upheaval {3}{R} Instant C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.04 €0.03 0.03
ALA 121 Volcanic Submersion {4}{R} Sorcery C EN Trevor Claxton $0.09 €0.07 0.03
M13 155 Volcanic Strength {1}{R} Enchantment C EN Izzy $0.08 €0.13 0.03
MOM 170 Volcanic Spite {1}{R} Instant C EN Kevin Sidharta $0.10 €0.13 0.03
M21 172 Volcanic Salvo {10}{R}{R} Sorcery R EN Torstein Nordstrand $0.07 €0.15 0.02
DTK 166 Volcanic Rush {4}{R} Instant C EN Ryan Barger $0.03 €0.12 0.04
ORI 167 Volcanic Rambler {5}{R} Creature C EN Vincent Proce $0.03 €0.02 0.04
9ED 226 Volcanic Hammer {1}{R} Sorcery C EN Ben Thompson $0.09 €0.09 0.03
M21 171 Volcanic Geyser {X}{R}{R} Instant U EN Clint Cearley $0.06 €0.04 0.04
CMR 418 Volcanic Fallout {1}{R}{R} Instant U EN Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai $0.13 €0.09 0.04
CMR 207 Volcanic Dragon {4}{R}{R} Creature U EN Chris Rahn $0.07 €0.07 0.04
TSP 186 Volcanic Awakening {4}{R}{R} Sorcery U EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.25 €0.14 0.03
LCI 172 Volatile Wanderglyph {1}{R} Artifact Creature C EN Slawomir Maniak $0.01 €0.06 0.02
MH3 79 Volatile Stormdrake {1}{U} Creature R EN Campbell White $1.88 €1.06 0.02
RTR 236 Volatile Rig {4} Artifact Creature R EN Mathias Kollros $0.15 €0.11 0.02
KHM 273 Volatile Fjord Snow Land C EN Randy Vargas $0.72 €1.71 0.03
LCI 286 Volatile Fault Land U EN Andrew Mar $0.18 €0.17 0.02
MH1 154 Volatile Claws {2}{R} Instant C EN Paul Scott Canavan $0.07 €0.07 0.03
VOW 181 Volatile Arsonist // Dire-Strain Anarchist {3}{R}{R} Creature M EN Gabor Szikszai $0.42 €1.10 0.02
MKM 432 Voja, Jaws of the Conclave {2}{R}{G}{W} Lgd. Creature M EN Valera Lutfullina ✶ $4.72 8.79
BFZ 17 Void Winnower {9} Creature M EN Chase Stone $38.48 €21.92 0.03
ONE 221 Voidwing Hybrid {U}{B} Creature U EN Abz J Harding $0.11 €0.13 0.03
RTR 56 Voidwielder {4}{U} Creature C EN Chase Stone $0.03 €0.03 0.03
GTC 55 Voidwalk {3}{U} Sorcery U EN James Ryman $0.22 €0.15 0.03
PLC 21 Voidstone Gargoyle {3}{W}{W} Creature R EN Terese Nielsen $0.29 €0.19 0.02
M13 77 Void Stalker {1}{U} Creature R EN Marco Nelor $0.15 €0.21 0.02
DTK 83 Void Squall {4}{U} Sorcery U EN James Paick $0.06 €0.05 0.04
M15 82 Void Snare {U} Sorcery C EN Zack Stella $0.16 €0.16 0.03
RVR 237 Voidslime {G}{U}{U} Instant R EN Isis $0.45 €0.37 0.02
OGW 49 Void Shatter {1}{U}{U} Instant U EN Jason Felix $0.19 €0.22 0.03
SNC 230 Void Rend {W}{U}{B} Instant R EN Rovina Cai $0.71 €1.07 0.01
MH3 143 Voidpouncer {1}{R} Creature C EN Michele Giorgi $0.03 €0.05 0.03
MH2 242 Void Mirror {2} Artifact R EN Colin Boyer $0.25 €0.31 0.21
CSP 74 Void Maw {4}{B}{B} Creature R EN E. M. Gist $0.70 €0.28 0.02
TSB 34 Voidmage Prodigy {U}{U} Creature S EN Christopher Moeller $2.11 €0.96 0.02
TSP 92 Voidmage Husher {3}{U} Creature U EN Chippy $0.25 €0.22 0.03
OGW 150 Void Grafter {1}{G}{U} Creature U EN Alejandro Mirabal $0.25 €0.16 0.03
IKO 104 Void Beckoner {6}{B}{B} Creature U EN Daarken $0.06 €0.12 0.03
OTC 212 Void Attendant {2}{G} Creature U EN Viktor Titov $0.05 €0.21 0.06
EMA 211 Void {3}{B}{R} Sorcery R EN Jakub Kasper $0.21 €0.16 0.02
CON 55 Voices from the Void {4}{B} Sorcery U EN rk post $0.10 €0.02 0.03
SNC 163 Voice of the Vermin {3}{G} Creature U EN Irina Nordsol $0.01 €0.02 0.02
JMP 137 Voice of the Provinces {4}{W}{W} Creature C EN Igor Kieryluk $0.05 €0.08
VOW 44 Voice of the Blessed {W}{W} Creature R EN Anastasia Ovchinnikova $2.34 €3.19 0.02
2XM 227 Voice of Resurgence {G}{W} Creature R EN Winona Nelson $2.15 €2.76 0.64
DMR 34 Voice of All {2}{W}{W} Creature U EN rk post $0.04 €0.11 0.04
ISD 42 Voiceless Spirit {2}{W} Creature C EN Daarken $0.07 €0.07 0.04
DMU 226 Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator {U}{B} Lgd. Creature U EN Daarken $0.06 €0.10 0.03
DMU 74 Voda Sea Scavenger {2}{U} Creature C EN Uriah Voth $0.01 €0.03 0.03
DMU 76 Vodalian Mindsinger {1}{U}{U} Creature R EN Steve Prescott $0.10 €0.12 0.02
DMU 75 Vodalian Hexcatcher {1}{U} Creature R EN Dmitry Burmak $3.81 €5.11 2.06
M21 83 Vodalian Arcanist {1}{U} Creature C EN Tyler Walpole $0.02 €0.05 0.04
9ED S7 Vizzerdrix {6}{U} Creature R EN Dave Dorman $0.18 €0.41 0.02
CLU 217 Vizkopa Vampire {2}{W/B} Creature C EN Winona Nelson $0.09 €0.13
IMA 211 Vizkopa Guildmage {W}{B} Creature U EN Tyler Jacobson $1.05 €0.54 0.04
GTC 205 Vizkopa Confessor {3}{W}{B} Creature U EN Ryan Pancoast $0.09 €0.11 0.04
CMM 131 Vizier of Tumbling Sands {2}{U} Creature C EN Josu Hernaiz $0.13 €0.11 0.04
HOU 28 Vizier of the True {3}{W} Creature U EN Ryan Alexander Lee $0.06 €0.05 0.03
WAR 111 Vizier of the Scorpion {2}{B} Creature U EN Zack Stella $0.16 €0.16 0.03
AKH 192 Vizier of the Menagerie {3}{G} Creature M EN Victor Adame Minguez $2.63 €3.04 0.02
HOU 55 Vizier of the Anointed {3}{U} Creature U EN Jakub Kasper $0.03 €0.12 0.03
AKH 38 Vizier of Remedies {1}{W} Creature U EN Randy Gallegos $0.19 €0.21 0.03
MKC 123 Vizier of Many Faces {2}{U}{U} Creature R EN Ryan Yee $0.09 €0.23 0.22
AKH 37 Vizier of Deferment {2}{W} Creature U EN Deruchenko Alexander $0.09 €0.18 0.03
ONE 77 Vivisurgeon's Insight {3}{U}{U} Sorcery C EN Adam Burn $0.08 €0.07 0.03
ONE 220 Vivisection Evangelist {3}{W}{B} Creature U EN Igor Kieryluk $0.02 €0.06 0.03
MID 83 Vivisection {3}{U} Sorcery U EN Aaron Miller $0.03 €0.04 0.03
M19 305 Vivien's Jaguar {2}{G} Creature U EN Magali Villeneuve $0.26 €0.16 0.72
M19 209 Vivien's Invocation {5}{G}{G} Sorcery R EN Johannes Voss $0.08 €0.15 0.02
WAR 182 Vivien's Grizzly {2}{G} Creature C EN Lius Lasahido $0.06 €0.17 0.03
M20 301 Vivien's Crocodile {2}{G} Creature C EN Bayard Wu $0.10 €0.26 4.67
WAR 181 Vivien's Arkbow {1}{G} Lgd. Artifact R EN Zack Stella $0.18 €0.12 0.02
M19 208 Vivien Reid {3}{G}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Anna Steinbauer $1.73 €1.52 0.02
SNC 162 Vivien on the Hunt {4}{G}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Jake Murray $0.68 €1.25 0.04
M19 301 Vivien of the Arkbow {4}{G}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Magali Villeneuve ✶ $1.94
M20 298 Vivien, Nature's Avenger {4}{G}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Chris Rallis ✶ $2.51 0.02
IKO 175 Vivien, Monsters' Advocate {3}{G}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Lius Lasahido $3.59 €4.29 0.06
CLB 838 Vivien, Champion of the Wilds {2}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker R EN Magali Villeneuve $0.65 €0.66
M20 199 Vivien, Arkbow Ranger {1}{G}{G}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Yongjae Choi $1.53 €1.65 0.10
GRN 148 Vivid Revival {4}{G} Sorcery R EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.09 €0.09 0.02
NCC 446 Vivid Meadow Land U EN Rob Alexander $0.15 €0.21
C17 292 Vivid Marsh Land U EN John Avon $0.57 €0.42
NCC 445 Vivid Grove Land U EN Howard Lyon $0.17 €0.20
NCC 444 Vivid Creek Land U EN Fred Fields $0.16 €0.22
CM2 276 Vivid Crag Land U EN Martina Pilcerova $0.41 €0.37
AFC 272 Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree Land U EN Martina Pilcerova $0.08 €0.09
MKM 183 Vitu-Ghazi Inspector {1}{G} Creature C EN Borja Pindado $0.02 €0.07 0.02
C19 206 Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage {G}{W} Creature U EN Jason Chan $0.15 €0.15
M21 127 Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose {2}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Lie Setiawan $5.12 €5.45 0.10
LCI 130 Vito's Inquisitor {3}{B} Creature C EN Anna Pavleeva $0.03 €0.04 0.01
LCI 243 Vito, Fanatic of Aclazotz {2}{W}{B} Lgd. Creature M EN Marta Nael $0.61 €1.01 0.99
MM3 115 Vithian Stinger {2}{R} Creature U EN Dave Kendall $0.14 €0.10 0.03
ARB 64 Vithian Renegades {1}{R}{G} Creature U EN rk post $0.19 €0.10 0.03
PLC 143 Vitaspore Thallid {1}{G} Creature C EN Christopher Moeller $0.32 €0.24 0.03
BOK 150 Vital Surge {1}{G} Instant C EN Douglas Shuler $0.12 €0.07 0.04
MM3 145 Vital Splicer {3}{G} Creature U EN Daarken $0.26 €0.20 0.03
BRO 156 Visions of Phyrexia {2}{R}{R} Enchantment R EN Dominik Mayer $0.16 €0.18 0.02
OGW 81 Visions of Brutality {1}{B} Enchantment U EN Jama Jurabaev $0.15 €0.11 0.03
UMA 81 Visions of Beyond {U} Instant R EN Terese Nielsen $6.67 €6.39 1.56
E01 29 Vision Skeins {1}{U} Instant C EN Aleksi Briclot $1.39 €0.22
KLD 34 Visionary Augmenter {2}{W}{W} Creature U EN James Paick $0.10 €0.06 0.03
TSP 141 Viscid Lemures {4}{B} Creature C EN Drew Tucker $0.06 €0.03 0.04
TSP 91 Viscerid Deepwalker {4}{U} Creature C EN Heather Hudson $0.09 €0.09 0.03
LCC 213 Viscera Seer {B} Creature C EN John Stanko $0.24 €0.49
ALA 92 Viscera Dragger {3}{B} Creature C EN Ralph Horsley $0.18 €0.16 0.03
LCI 129 Visage of Dread // Dread Osseosaur {1}{B} Artifact // Creature U EN David Auden Nash $0.03 €0.08 0.02
HOU 208 Visage of Bolas {4} Artifact R EN Titus Lunter $0.26 €0.34 0.06
OTJ 76 Visage Bandit {3}{U} Creature U EN Miranda Meeks $0.06 €0.11 0.01
NEO 128 Virus Beetle {1}{B} Artifact Creature C EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.09 €0.08 0.01
MBS 57 Virulent Wound {B} Instant C EN Whit Brachna $0.16 €0.21 0.03
IMA 113 Virulent Swipe {B} Instant C EN Raymond Swanland $0.10 €0.07 0.06
TSR 246 Virulent Sliver {G} Creature C EN Franz Vohwinkel $0.22 €0.17 0.04
DTK 125 Virulent Plague {2}{B} Enchantment U EN Johann Bodin $0.17 €0.17 0.03
WOE 197 Virtue of Strength // Garenbrig Growth {5}{G}{G} // {G} Enchantment // Sorcery M EN Piotr Dura $5.91 €4.28 1.76
WOE 115 Virtue of Persistence // Locthwain Scorn {5}{B}{B} // {1}{B} Enchantment // Sorcery M EN Piotr Dura $8.56 €14.04 0.95
WOE 38 Virtue of Loyalty // Ardenvale Fealty {3}{W}{W} // {1}{W} Enchantment // Instant M EN Piotr Dura $5.29 €9.96 0.88
WOE 76 Virtue of Knowledge // Vantress Visions {4}{U} // {1}{U} Enchantment // Instant M EN Piotr Dura $2.89 €3.69 0.10
WOE 157 Virtue of Courage // Embereth Blaze {3}{R}{R} // {1}{R} Enchantment // Instant M EN Piotr Dura $1.15 €2.14 0.09
CMA 163 Viridian Zealot {G}{G} Creature R EN Kev Walker $0.29 €0.24
DDU 25 Viridian Shaman {2}{G} Creature U EN Scott M. Fischer $0.17 €0.11
5DN 100 Viridian Scout {3}{G} Creature C EN Daren Bader $0.08 €0.03 0.04
SOM 132 Viridian Revel {1}{G}{G} Enchantment U EN rk post $1.08 €1.70 0.03
5DN 99 Viridian Lorebearers {3}{G} Creature U EN Darrell Riche $0.10 €0.05 0.03
AFC 221 Viridian Longbow {1} Artifact C EN Jeremy Jarvis $2.21 €0.77
MRD 138 Viridian Joiner {2}{G} Creature C EN Daren Bader $0.41 €0.19 0.03
NPH 125 Viridian Harvest {G} Enchantment C EN Johann Bodin $0.07 €0.07 0.04
CMA 162 Viridian Emissary {1}{G} Creature C EN Matt Stewart $0.24 €0.09
TD2 56 Viridian Corrupter {1}{G}{G} Creature U EN Matt Cavotta 0.32
TD2 27 Viridian Claw {2} Artifact U EN Marc Simonetti 0.12
NPH 124 Viridian Betrayers {1}{G}{G} Creature C EN Karl Kopinski $0.10 €0.08 0.03
DST 89 Viridian Acolyte {G} Creature C EN D. Alexander Gregory $0.07 €0.05 0.04
SHM 132 Viridescent Wisps {G} Instant C EN Jim Nelson $0.33 €0.42 0.04
ONE 194 Viral Spawning {2}{G} Sorcery U EN Denis Zhbankov $0.03 €0.06 0.03
NPH 49 Viral Drake {3}{U} Creature U EN Lars Grant-West $3.56 €2.74 0.03
THS 109 Viper's Kiss {B} Enchantment C EN Svetlin Velinov $0.05 €0.13 0.03
MOR 81 Violet Pall {4}{B} Kindred Instant C EN Jeff Miracola $0.18 €0.10 0.03
ALA 206 Violent Ultimatum {B}{B}{R}{R}{R}{G}{G} Sorcery R EN Raymond Swanland $0.53 €0.29 0.02
AKH 154 Violent Impact {3}{R} Sorcery C EN Jason Rainville $0.05 €0.14 0.03
M15 207 Vineweft {G} Enchantment C EN Lucas Graciano $0.04 €0.07 0.04
GVL 4 Vine Trellis {1}{G} Creature C EN DiTerlizzi $0.49 €0.57
MM2 168 Vines of Vastwood {G} Instant C EN Christopher Moeller $1.08 €1.14 0.03
CLU 178 Vines of the Recluse {G} Instant C EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.12 €0.13
ORI 205 Vine Snare {2}{G} Instant C EN Igor Kieryluk $0.08 €0.04 0.04
DMU 187 Vineshaper Prodigy {1}{G} Creature C EN Inka Schulz $0.03 €0.08 0.04
XLN 214 Vineshaper Mystic {2}{G} Creature U EN Kieran Yanner $0.05 €0.10 0.03
M19 207 Vine Mare {2}{G}{G} Creature U EN Alex Konstad $0.08 €0.15 0.03
DDM 50 Vinelasher Kudzu {1}{G} Creature R EN Mark Tedin $0.33 €0.40 0.58
CHK 249 Vine Kami {6}{G} Creature C EN Tsutomu Kawade $0.07 €0.03 0.04
LCC 368 Vineglimmer Snarl Land R EN Sam Burley $0.11 €0.26
ZNR 219 Vine Gecko {1}{G} Creature U EN Uriah Voth $0.02 €0.02 0.03
CLU 126 Vindictive Vampire {3}{B} Creature U EN Randy Gallegos $0.14 €0.17
RAV 112 Vindictive Mob {4}{B}{B} Creature U EN Wayne Reynolds $0.10 €0.06 0.04
ONE 154 Vindictive Flamestoker {R} Creature R EN Xavier Ribeiro $0.12 €0.18 0.02
MH2 294 Vindicate {1}{W}{B} Sorcery R EN Brian Snõddy $0.74 €0.52 0.02
OTC 249 Villainous Wealth {X}{B}{G}{U} Sorcery R EN Erica Yang $0.09 €0.14 0.02
CHK 148 Villainous Ogre {2}{B} Creature C EN Tony Szczudlo $0.17 €0.03 0.03
MID 165 Village Watch // Village Reavers {4}{R} Creature U EN Néstor Ossandón Leal $0.10 €0.06 0.03
DKA 130 Village Survivors {4}{G} Creature U EN David Rapoza $0.03 €0.02 0.04
ISD 209 Villagers of Estwald // Howlpack of Estwald {2}{G} Creature C EN Kev Walker $0.08 €0.09 0.03
LCC 212 Village Rites {B} Instant C EN Igor Kieryluk $0.16 €0.27
SOI 190 Village Messenger // Moonrise Intruder {R} Creature U EN Daarken $0.16 €0.25 0.03
ISD 168 Village Ironsmith // Ironfang {1}{R} Creature C EN Christopher Moeller $0.08 €0.08 0.03
ISD 125 Village Cannibals {2}{B} Creature U EN Bud Cook $0.10 €0.06 0.03
MOC 216 Village Bell-Ringer {2}{W} Creature C EN David Palumbo $0.10 €0.31 0.05
M20 122 Vilis, Broker of Blood {5}{B}{B}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Tyler Jacobson $9.54 €7.57 0.02
VOW 250 Vilespawn Spider {G}{U} Creature U EN Nicholas Gregory $0.15 €0.06 0.03
OGW 125 Vile Redeemer {2}{G} Creature R EN Jason Rainville $0.19 €0.24 0.02
M14 121 Vile Rebirth {B} Instant C EN Erica Yang $0.08 €0.15 0.03
HOU 80 Vile Manifestation {1}{B} Creature U EN Jason Felix $0.09 €0.16 0.03
MH2 108 Vile Entomber {2}{B}{B} Creature U EN Chris Cold $0.31 €0.16 0.03
BFZ 137 Vile Aggregate {2}{R} Creature U EN Chris Rallis $0.17 €0.13 0.03