25726 – 25900 of 27,348 cards where it’s legal in Duel Commander

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
ICE 226 Balduvian Bears {1}{G} Creature C EN Quinton Hoover $0.50 €0.37
9ED 174 Balduvian Barbarians {1}{R}{R} Creature C EN Jim Nelson $0.05 €0.05 0.04
DMU 79 Balduvian Atrocity {2}{B} Creature U EN Mike Jordana $0.02 €0.02 0.03
CLB 345 Baldur's Gate Lgd. Land R EN Titus Lunter $2.31 €1.53 3.39
SLX 10 Baldin, Century Herdmaster {4}{W}{W} Lgd. Creature R EN Zoltan Boros $1.49 €0.67
CMM 16 Balan, Wandering Knight {2}{W}{W} Lgd. Creature R EN Svetlin Velinov $0.48 €0.55 0.81
ODY 10 Balancing Act {2}{W}{W} Sorcery R EN Scott M. Fischer $1.36 €0.65 0.07
8ED 62 Balance of Power {3}{U}{U} Sorcery R EN Adam Rex $0.18 €0.27 0.02
EMA 2 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery M EN Kev Walker $2.29 €2.86 0.12
ZEN 79 Bala Ged Thief {3}{B} Creature R EN Matt Cavotta $0.20 €0.22 0.02
IMA 79 Bala Ged Scorpion {3}{B} Creature C EN Daarken $0.14 €0.07 0.06
ZNR 180 Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged Sanctuary {2}{G} Sorcery // Land U EN Lucas Staniec $4.78 €3.82 0.03
BOK 152 Baku Altar {2} Artifact R EN Edward P. Beard, Jr. $0.75 €0.20 0.02
HML 22 Baki's Curse {2}{U}{U} Sorcery R EN Nicola Leonard $0.66 €0.55
JMP 201 Bake into a Pie {2}{B}{B} Instant C EN Zoltan Boros $0.07 €0.17
MID 42 Baithook Angler // Hook-Haunt Drifter {1}{U} Creature C EN Uriah Voth $0.01 €0.02 0.03
CMM 15 Baird, Steward of Argive {2}{W}{W} Lgd. Creature U EN Christine Choi $0.21 €0.20 0.04
DMU 195 Baird, Argivian Recruiter {R}{W} Lgd. Creature U EN Jarel Threat $0.05 €0.07 0.03
AFC 37 Bag of Tricks {1}{G} Artifact R EN Jakub Kasper $0.15 €0.21
CLB 299 Bag of Holding {1} Artifact U EN Evyn Fong $0.08 €0.12
AFC 21 Bag of Devouring {B} Artifact R EN Sean Murray $0.14 €0.24
LTR 153 Bag End Porter {3}{G} Creature C EN Daniel Correia $0.03 €0.03 0.03
RIX 1 Baffling End {1}{W} Enchantment U EN Mathias Kollros $0.09 €0.10 0.03
CLB 655 Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer {4}{R} Lgd. Creature M EN Joshua Raphael ✶ $8.74
DMC 197 Bad River Land U EN Nils Hamm $0.36 €0.72 0.43
GVL 48 Bad Moon {1}{B} Enchantment R EN Gary Leach $1.70 €1.29
OTJ 194 Badlands Revival {3}{B}{G} Sorcery U EN Carlos Palma Cruchaga $0.04 €0.13 0.02
VMA 291 Badlands Land R EN Daarken 3.87
M21 89 Bad Deal {4}{B}{B} Sorcery U EN Zoltan Boros $0.11 €0.22 0.03
EMN 150 Backwoods Survivalists {3}{G} Creature C EN Chris Rallis $0.02 €0.03 0.04
SNC 2 Backup Agent {1}{W} Creature C EN Aaron J. Riley $0.02 €0.02 0.02
M15 169 Back to Nature {1}{G} Instant U EN Howard Lyon $0.33 €0.34 0.03
SNC 35 Backstreet Bruiser {1}{U} Creature C EN Aaron Miller $0.01 €0.05 0.01
ONS 70 Backslide {1}{U} Instant C EN Pete Venters $0.19 €0.22 0.06
INV 234 Backlash {1}{B}{R} Instant U EN Chippy $1.11 €0.72 0.04
OTC 18 Back in Town {X}{2}{B} Sorcery R EN Greg Staples $0.42 €0.46 0.62
ISD 44 Back from the Brink {4}{U}{U} Enchantment R EN Anthony Palumbo $0.20 €0.22 0.02
WOE 80 Back for Seconds {2}{B} Sorcery U EN Julia Metzger $0.07 €0.12 0.03
IKO 177 Back for More {4}{B}{G} Instant U EN Daarken $0.10 €0.06 0.03
4ED 62 Backfire {U} Enchantment U EN Brian Snõddy $0.20 €0.12
2X2 103 Backdraft Hellkite {3}{R}{R} Creature R EN Rudy Siswanto $0.47 €0.29 0.02
LEG 132 Backdraft {1}{R} Instant U EN Brian Snõddy $2.73 €2.92
CLB 266 Baba Lysaga, Night Witch {1}{B}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Slawomir Maniak $0.04 €0.30 3.13
UNF 35 Baaallerina {3}{U} Creature U EN April Prime $0.02 €0.10
NEO 172 Azusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the Seeker {1}{G} Enchantment U EN Lindsey Look $0.07 €0.06 0.01
CMM 274 Azusa, Lost but Seeking {2}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Winona Nelson $5.76 €4.40 0.54
MM3 31 Azure Mage {1}{U} Creature U EN Izzy $0.12 €0.10 0.05
LCC 144 Azure Fleet Admiral {3}{U} Creature C EN Sidharth Chaturvedi $0.06 €0.11
M11 46 Azure Drake {3}{U} Creature C EN Janine Johnston $0.02 €0.09 0.03
MH1 79 Azra Smokeshaper {3}{B} Creature C EN Aaron Miller $0.06 €0.11 0.03
BBD 75 Azra Oddsmaker {1}{B}{R} Creature U EN Josh Hass $0.42 €0.40 0.04
BBD 55 Azra Bladeseeker {2}{R} Creature C EN Joe Slucher $0.02 €0.07 0.06
RIX 154 Azor, the Lawbringer {2}{W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature M EN Ryan Pancoast $1.16 €1.01 0.02
RIX 176 Azor's Gateway // Sanctum of the Sun {2} Lgd. Artifact // Lgd. Land M EN Yeong-Hao Han $2.74 €2.43 0.02
RTR 210 Azor's Elocutors {3}{W/U}{W/U} Creature R EN Johannes Voss $0.32 €0.17 0.02
RNA 155 Azorius Skyguard {4}{W}{U} Creature U EN Gabor Szikszai $0.06 €0.06 0.05
CLU 219 Azorius Signet {2} Artifact C EN Raoul Vitale $0.27 €0.19
DIS 106 Azorius Ploy {1}{W}{W}{U} Instant U EN Michael Sutfin $0.18 €0.12 0.03
VOC 160 Azorius Locket {3} Artifact C EN Craig J Spearing $0.10 €0.12
RNA 154 Azorius Knight-Arbiter {3}{W}{U} Creature C EN Even Amundsen $0.07 €0.04 0.03
CMA 209 Azorius Keyrune {3} Artifact U EN Daniel Ljunggren $0.21 €0.17
CLU 55 Azorius Justiciar {2}{W}{W} Creature U EN Chris Rahn $0.11 €0.16
C13 6 Azorius Herald {2}{W} Creature U EN Justin Sweet $0.17 €0.08 0.06
RVR 165 Azorius Guildmage {W/U}{W/U} Creature U EN David Astruga $0.07 €0.13 0.04
CLU 230 Azorius Guildgate Land C EN Drew Baker $0.11 €0.09
DIS 105 Azorius First-Wing {W}{U} Creature C EN Alex Horley-Orlandelli $0.09 €0.19 0.03
DGM 136 Azorius Cluestone {3} Artifact C EN Raoul Vitale $0.06 €0.19 0.03
IMA 192 Azorius Charm {W}{U} Instant U EN Zoltan Boros $0.27 €0.23 0.04
CLU 229 Azorius Chancery Land C EN John Avon $0.17 €0.15
CLU 54 Azorius Arrester {1}{W} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.11 €0.18
DIS 104 Azorius Aethermage {1}{W}{U} Creature U EN Heather Hudson $0.19 €0.18 0.03
M3C 5 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge {3} Lgd. Creature M EN Alexander Mokhov $0.69 €0.21 0.02
MIR 53 Azimaet Drake {2}{U} Creature C EN Gerry Grace $0.09 €0.05 0.06
CMM 74 Azami, Lady of Scrolls {2}{U}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Ittoku $0.26 €0.26 0.11
SOK 122 Ayumi, the Last Visitor {3}{G}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN rk post $0.52 €0.54 0.02
MH1 156 Ayula's Influence {G}{G}{G} Enchantment R EN Kari Christensen $0.75 €0.33 0.02
MH1 155 Ayula, Queen Among Bears {1}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Jesper Ejsing $0.81 €0.33 0.02
HML 5 Aysen Highway {3}{W}{W}{W} Enchantment R EN NéNé Thomas $1.03 €0.83
ME2 7 Aysen Crusader {2}{W}{W} Creature U EN NéNé Thomas 0.05
ME2 6 Aysen Bureaucrats {1}{W} Creature C EN Alan Rabinowitz 0.06
HML 112 Aysen Abbey Land U EN Liz Danforth $0.27 €0.23
OGW 151 Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim {W}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Cynthia Sheppard $0.86 €0.94 0.02
DMC 29 Ayesha Tanaka, Armorer {3}{W}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Aurore Folny $0.10 €0.16 0.03
CHR 73 Ayesha Tanaka {W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Bryon Wackwitz $0.27 €0.23
MOM 90 Ayara, Widow of the Realm // Ayara, Furnace Queen {1}{B}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Anna Podedworna $0.31 €0.21 0.02
MAT 11 Ayara's Oathsworn {1}{B} Creature R EN Johann Bodin $0.35 €0.79 0.02
ELD 75 Ayara, First of Locthwain {B}{B}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Ryan Pancoast $3.02 €1.68 0.02
ACR 48 Aya of Alexandria {2}{R}{W} Lgd. Creature R EN JB Casacop $0.47 €0.24
XLN 3 Axis of Mortality {4}{W}{W} Enchantment M EN Bastien L. Deharme $0.80 €0.81 0.02
ONE 120 Axiom Engraver {1}{R} Creature C EN Pavel Kolomeyets $0.02 €0.04 0.03
KHM 121 Axgard Cavalry {1}{R} Creature C EN Evyn Fong $0.04 €0.04 0.03
KHM 1 Axgard Braggart {3}{W} Creature C EN Svetlin Velinov $0.03 €0.04 0.03
MOM 332 Axgard Artisan {1}{R} Creature U EN Quintin Gleim $0.38 2.07
KHM 250 Axgard Armory Land U EN Cliff Childs $0.33 €0.13 0.03
ME3 143 Axelrod Gunnarson {4}{B}{B}{R}{R} Lgd. Creature U EN Scott Kirschner 0.06
LRW 151 Axegrinder Giant {4}{R}{R} Creature C EN Warren Mahy $0.03 €0.08 0.03
RTR 116 Axebane Stag {6}{G} Creature C EN Martina Pilcerova $0.04 €0.03 0.03
RTR 115 Axebane Guardian {2}{G} Creature C EN Slawomir Maniak $0.26 €0.47 0.03
MKM 153 Axebane Ferox {2}{G}{G} Creature R EN Maxime Minard $0.12 €0.14 0.03
RNA 121 Axebane Beast {3}{G} Creature C EN Sam Rowan $0.01 €0.12 0.04
MRD 6 Awe Strike {W} Instant C EN Scott M. Fischer $0.17 €0.11 0.03
ALL 23a Awesome Presence {U} Enchantment C EN Lawrence Snelly $0.15 €0.13
DGM 31 Awe for the Guilds {2}{R} Sorcery C EN Mathias Kollros $0.01 €0.08 0.04
BRO 170 Awaken the Woods {X}{G}{G} Sorcery M EN Bryan Sola $10.74 €10.78 0.28
ONE 119 Awaken the Sleeper {3}{R} Sorcery U EN Mathias Kollros $0.01 €0.06 0.03
C15 24 Awaken the Sky Tyrant {3}{R} Enchantment R EN Adam Paquette $0.27 €0.30
RNA 61 Awaken the Erstwhile {3}{B}{B} Sorcery R EN Jason A. Engle $0.40 €0.23 0.02
KTK 129 Awaken the Bear {2}{G} Instant C EN Svetlin Velinov $0.06 €0.10 0.03
M14 126 Awaken the Ancient {1}{R}{R}{R} Enchantment R EN Jaime Jones $0.21 €0.18 0.02
NCC 281 Awakening Zone {2}{G} Enchantment R EN Johann Bodin $2.52 €1.12
WAR 152 Awakening of Vitu-Ghazi {3}{G}{G} Instant R EN Jaime Jones $0.18 €0.25 0.02
STH 101 Awakening {2}{G}{G} Enchantment R EN Dan Frazier $7.69 €3.68 0.58
JMP 379 Awakener Druid {2}{G} Creature U EN Jason Chan $0.05 €0.07
NEO 47 Awakened Awareness {X}{U}{U} Enchantment U EN Tran Nguyen $0.03 €0.05 0.01
RIX 175 Awakened Amalgam {4} Artifact Creature R EN Zack Stella $0.10 €0.13 0.02
TSB 73 Avoid Fate {G} Instant S EN Phil Foglio $4.52 €2.10 0.02
WTH 35 Avizoa {3}{U} Creature R EN Paolo Parente $0.67 €0.83 0.02
HOU 201 Avid Reclaimer {2}{G} Creature U EN Josu Hernaiz $0.18 €0.17 0.84
M19 46 Aviation Pioneer {2}{U} Creature C EN Lake Hurwitz $0.03 €0.04 0.03
KLD 6 Aviary Mechanic {1}{W} Creature C EN Mark Zug $0.04 €0.07 0.03
IKO 42 Avian Oddity {3}{U} Creature U EN Simon Dominic $0.05 €0.07 0.03
MMA 6 Avian Changeling {2}{W} Creature C EN Heather Hudson $0.25 €0.15 0.03
CMR 269 Averna, the Chaos Bloom {G}{U}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Lucas Graciano $0.16 €0.24 0.75
10E 69 Aven Windreader {3}{U}{U} Creature C EN Greg Hildebrandt $0.01 €0.02 0.04
GN2 16 Aven Wind Mage {2}{U} Creature C EN Lius Lasahido $0.10 €0.20
AKH 195 Aven Wind Guide {2}{W}{U} Creature U EN Sidharth Chaturvedi $0.19 €0.16 0.03
LGN 4 Aven Warhawk {4}{W} Creature U EN Glen Angus $0.15 €0.11 0.05
JUD 2 Aven Warcraft {2}{W} Instant U EN Roger Raupp $0.12 €0.19 0.06
TOR 2 Aven Trooper {3}{W} Creature C EN Greg Staples $0.08 €0.05 0.06
CON 4 Aven Trailblazer {2}{W} Creature C EN Chris Rahn $0.14 €0.08 0.04
DTK 6 Aven Tactician {4}{W} Creature C EN Christopher Moeller $0.02 €0.04 0.05
CMR 57 Aven Surveyor {3}{U}{U} Creature C EN David Gaillet $0.01 €0.03 0.05
DTK 5 Aven Sunstriker {1}{W}{W} Creature U EN John Severin Brassell $0.14 €0.15 0.03
M13 6 Aven Squire {1}{W} Creature C EN David Palumbo $0.10 €0.13 0.03
ONS 8 Aven Soulgazer {3}{W}{W} Creature U EN John Avon $0.09 €0.08 0.06
ODY 64 Aven Smokeweaver {2}{U}{U} Creature U EN Kev Walker $0.16 €0.19 0.12
FRF 6 Aven Skirmisher {W} Creature C EN Jason Rainville $0.04 €0.08 0.03
ODY 9 Aven Shrine {1}{W}{W} Enchantment R EN Wayne England $0.39 €0.25 0.02
DOM 3 Aven Sentry {3}{W} Creature C EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.06 €0.05 0.05
TSR 6 Aven Riftwatcher {2}{W} Creature C EN Don Hazeltine $0.02 €0.10 0.04
HOU 30 Aven Reedstalker {3}{U} Creature C EN Scott Murphy $0.03 €0.04 0.04
LGN 3 Aven Redeemer {3}{W} Creature C EN Tim Hildebrandt $0.09 €0.06 0.05
HOU 5 Aven of Enduring Hope {4}{W} Creature C EN James Ryman $0.02 €0.05 0.03
CLB 688 Aven Mindcensor {2}{W} Creature U EN Rebecca Guay $0.28 €0.23
NCC 329 Aven Mimeomancer {1}{W}{U} Creature R EN Jesper Ejsing $0.14 €0.17
SCG 4 Aven Liberator {2}{W}{W} Creature C EN Brian Snõddy $0.07 €0.02 0.06
OTJ 4 Aven Interrupter {1}{W}{W} Creature R EN Daniel Romanovsky $2.25 €1.93 0.43
2X2 39 Aven Initiate {3}{U} Creature C EN Jakub Kasper $0.01 €0.03 0.04
SNC 166 Aven Heartstabber {U}{B} Creature R EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.13 €0.17 0.01
CLB 215 Avenging Hunter {4}{G} Creature C EN Borja Pindado $0.27 €2.00 9.85
NCC 194 Avenging Huntbonder {3}{W}{W} Creature R EN Evyn Fong $0.08 €0.12
EXO 105 Avenging Druid {2}{G} Creature C EN Daren Bader $0.20 €0.10 0.06
RTR 4 Avenging Arrow {2}{W} Instant C EN James Ryman $0.04 €0.03 0.04
TPR 6 Avenging Angel {3}{W}{W} Creature U EN Matthew D. Wilson 0.06
OTC 187 Avenger of Zendikar {5}{G}{G} Creature M EN Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai $2.29 €3.07 0.25
NEM 2 Avenger en-Dal {1}{W} Creature R EN Ron Spencer $0.25 €0.29 0.22
M21 5 Aven Gagglemaster {3}{W}{W} Creature U EN Mike Bierek $0.02 €0.03 0.03
JUD 34 Aven Fogbringer {3}{U} Creature C EN Edward P. Beard, Jr. $0.16 €0.23 0.04
9ED 4 Aven Flock {4}{W} Creature C EN Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt $0.24 €0.03 0.04
M12 44 Aven Fleetwing {3}{U} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.05 €0.13 0.03
DMR 41 Aven Fisher {3}{U} Creature C EN Christopher Moeller $0.01 €0.04 0.04
DMR 40 Aven Fateshaper {6}{U} Creature U EN Anthony S. Waters $0.02 €0.04 0.04
SCG 3 Aven Farseer {1}{W} Creature C EN Luca Zontini $0.13 €0.05 0.06
WAR 42 Aven Eternal {2}{U} Creature C EN Johan Grenier $0.03 €0.08 0.03
LGN 30 Aven Envoy {U} Creature C EN Alex Horley-Orlandelli $0.10 €0.05 0.09
NCC 22 Aven Courier {1}{U} Creature R EN Lars Grant-West $2.76 €0.36
10E 7 Aven Cloudchaser {3}{W} Creature C EN Justin Sweet $0.20 €0.10 0.04
ONS 7 Aven Brigadier {3}{W}{W}{W} Creature R EN Greg Staples $1.54 €0.76 0.02
ORI 6 Aven Battle Priest {5}{W} Creature C EN John Severin Brassell $0.02 €0.04 0.04
FUT 32 Aven Augur {3}{U} Creature C EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.11 €0.03 0.03
ODY 6 Aven Archer {3}{W}{W} Creature U EN Mark Zug $0.22 €0.12 0.06
ACR 40 Aveline de Grandpré {2}{G}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Aurore Folny $0.77 €0.40
CM2 57 Avatar of Woe {6}{B}{B} Creature R EN rk post $2.59 €2.32
PCY 30 Avatar of Will {6}{U}{U} Creature R EN rk post $0.62 €0.71 0.19
DTK 175 Avatar of the Resolute {G}{G} Creature R EN Jeff Simpson $0.35 €0.55 0.02