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1 – 175 of 3,495 cards where the cards are cards that have ever been banned or restricted

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
CLB 54 Aarakocra Sneak {3}{U} Creature C EN Andrea Radeck ✪ $0.08 €0.12 0.45
ELD A-81 A-Cauldron Familiar {B} Creature U EN Milivoj Ćeran
2XM 76 Ad Nauseam {3}{B}{B} Instant R EN Jeremy Jarvis ✪ $14.74 €9.00 0.03
ALA 63 Ad Nauseam {3}{B}{B} Instant R EN Jeremy Jarvis ✪ $14.72 €7.45 0.02
CN2 1 Adriana's Valor Conspiracy C EN Lius Lasahido ✪ $0.05 €0.06
ME1 141 Adun Oakenshield {B}{R}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Jeff A. Menges 0.02
LEG 216 Adun Oakenshield {B}{R}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Jeff A. Menges ✪ $83.33 €56.83
CNS 1 Advantageous Proclamation Conspiracy U EN Izzy ✪ $0.21 €0.16
UNF 2 Aerialephant {3}{W} Creature C EN Yangtian Li ✪ $0.03 €0.07
UNF 288 Aerialephant {3}{W} Creature C EN Yangtian Li ✪ $0.27
2X2 298 Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Karl Kopinski ✪ $4.13 €5.83 2.82
IMA 212 Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Karl Kopinski ✪ $4.11 €5.62 2.94
MMA 197 Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Karl Kopinski ✪ $6.01 €6.64 2.81
DST 91 Aether Vial {1} Artifact U EN Greg Hildebrandt ✪ $6.17 €5.13 2.63
MB2 216 Aether Vial {1} Artifact U EN Greg Hildebrandt ✪ $4.15 €4.71
SLD 1640 Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Rovina Cai ✪ $12.81
SLD 1640★ Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Rovina Cai ✪ $13.98
PRM 102329 Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Greg Staples 3.19
2X2 391 Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Greg Staples ✪ $4.26 €7.46
2X2 555 Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Karl Kopinski ✪ $7.70
PLST DST-91 Aether Vial {1} Artifact U EN Greg Hildebrandt ✪ $6.16 €8.21
PPRO 2020-3 Aether Vial {1} Artifact R EN Billy Christian
MPS 6 Aether Vial {1} Artifact S EN Raoul Vitale ✪ $85.83 3.98
TD0 B27 Aether Vial {1} Artifact U EN Greg Hildebrandt 2.21
V10 1 Aether Vial {1} Artifact M EN Karl Kopinski ✪ $7.16
KLD 193 Aetherworks Marvel {4} Lgd. Artifact M EN James Paick ✪ $1.00 €1.20 0.07
M3C 281 Aetherworks Marvel {4} Lgd. Artifact M EN James Paick ✪ $0.37 €0.72 0.46
KLR 219 Aetherworks Marvel {4} Lgd. Artifact M EN James Paick
PKLD 193s Aetherworks Marvel {4} Lgd. Artifact M EN James Paick ✪ $15.02
ELD A-125 A-Fires of Invention {4}{R} Enchantment R EN Stanton Feng
M20 43 Agent of Treachery {5}{U}{U} Creature R EN Igor Kieryluk ✪ $5.29 €6.24 0.03
PM20 43p Agent of Treachery {5}{U}{U} Creature R EN Igor Kieryluk ✪ $7.83 €6.72
PM20 43s Agent of Treachery {5}{U}{U} Creature R EN Igor Kieryluk ✪ $11.18
LCI A-150e A-Geological Appraiser {3}{R}{R} Creature U EN Alix Branwyn
ME4 107 Ali from Cairo {2}{R}{R} Creature R EN Mark Poole 0.02
ARN 36 Ali from Cairo {2}{R}{R} Creature R EN Mark Poole ✪ $372.47 €234.55
CMM 9 All That Glitters {1}{W} Enchantment C EN Iain McCaig ✪ $0.42 €0.53 0.04
ELD 2 All That Glitters {1}{W} Enchantment U EN Iain McCaig ✪ $0.39 €0.71 0.03
PIP 155 All That Glitters {1}{W} Enchantment C EN Kieran Yanner ✪ $0.38 €0.84 0.21
PIP 683 All That Glitters {1}{W} Enchantment C EN Kieran Yanner ✪ $8.70
CMM 622 All That Glitters {1}{W} Enchantment C EN Darrell Riche ✪ $0.33 €0.50 0.18
PLST ELD-2 All That Glitters {1}{W} Enchantment U EN Iain McCaig ✪ $0.38 €0.96
KHM 41 Alrund's Epiphany {5}{U}{U} Sorcery M EN Kieran Yanner ✪ $3.81 €4.36 0.14
PRM 88236 Alrund's Epiphany {5}{U}{U} Sorcery M EN Volkan Baǵa 0.29
PKHM 41p Alrund's Epiphany {5}{U}{U} Sorcery M EN Kieran Yanner ✪ $4.14 €3.80
PKHM 41s Alrund's Epiphany {5}{U}{U} Sorcery M EN Kieran Yanner ✪ $4.72
KHM 295 Alrund's Epiphany {5}{U}{U} Sorcery M EN Volkan Baǵa ✪ $2.76 €4.43
LCI 221 Amalia Benavides Aguirre {W}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Alix Branwyn ✪ $0.70 €1.03 0.03
PLCI 221p Amalia Benavides Aguirre {W}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Alix Branwyn ✪ $1.08
PLCI 221s Amalia Benavides Aguirre {W}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Alix Branwyn ✪ $2.13
LCI 299 Amalia Benavides Aguirre {W}{B} Lgd. Creature R EN Alex Negrea ✪ $0.65 0.02
UNF 161 Ambassador Blorpityblorpboop {3}{G}{U} Lgd. Creature U EN Dave Greco ✪ $0.05 €0.07
UNF 254 Ambassador Blorpityblorpboop {3}{G}{U} Lgd. Creature U EN David Semple ✪ $0.10 €0.09
UNF 447 Ambassador Blorpityblorpboop {3}{G}{U} Lgd. Creature U EN Dave Greco ✪ $0.42
UNF 505 Ambassador Blorpityblorpboop {3}{G}{U} Lgd. Creature U EN David Semple ✪ $0.20
ICE 308 Amulet of Quoz {6} Artifact R EN Dan Frazier ✪ $0.84 €1.21
SUNF 23 Ancestral Hot Dog Minotaur Stickers C EN Larissa Hasenheit & Mina Jeon ✪ $0.25 €0.29
VMA 1 Ancestral Recall {U} Instant B EN Ryan Pancoast 6.13
2ED 48 Ancestral Recall {U} Instant R EN Mark Poole €3,379.61
LEB 48 Ancestral Recall {U} Instant R EN Mark Poole €8,894.62
LEA 47 Ancestral Recall {U} Instant R EN Mark Poole €11,948.77 115.45
PRM 46954 Ancestral Recall {U} Instant R EN Mark Poole
TSR 52 Ancestral Vision Sorcery M EN Mark Poole ✪ $2.69 €2.98 0.33
IMA 42 Ancestral Vision Sorcery R EN John Avon ✪ $3.83 €2.46 0.45
JVC 21 Ancestral Vision Sorcery R EN Mark Poole ✪ $6.14 €3.79
DD2 21 Ancestral Vision Sorcery R EN Mark Poole ✪ $5.61 €2.25 0.07
TSP 48 Ancestral Vision Sorcery R EN Mark Poole ✪ $5.04 €3.24 0.08
C21 276 Ancient Den Artifact Land C EN Rob Alexander ✪ $3.07 €3.85
TD2 36 Ancient Den Artifact Land C EN Rob Alexander 1.08
HOP 130 Ancient Den Artifact Land C EN Rob Alexander ✪ $4.58 €7.33 1.34
MRD 278 Ancient Den Artifact Land C EN Rob Alexander ✪ $2.66 €2.07 0.41
BRC 172 Ancient Den Artifact Land C EN Muhammad Firdaus ✪ $2.79 €4.17 1.10
SLD 300 Ancient Den Artifact Land R EN DXTR ✪ $8.45
PLST MRD-278 Ancient Den Artifact Land C EN Rob Alexander ✪ $2.54 €3.66
TSR 403 Ancient Den Artifact Land S EN Rob Alexander ✪ $2.98 €3.51 1.35
UMA 236 Ancient Tomb Land R EN Yeong-Hao Han ✪ $85.44 €68.33 9.72
VMA 289 Ancient Tomb Land R EN Colin MacNeil 7.60
TMP 315 Ancient Tomb Land U EN Colin MacNeil ✪ $85.44 €65.97 19.71
LTC 357 Ancient Tomb Land M EN Anastasia Balakchina ✪ $94.16 €88.99 11.59
LTC 387 Ancient Tomb Land M EN Anastasia Balakchina ✪ $172.42
LTC 387z Ancient Tomb Land M EN Anastasia Balakchina
PLST TMP-315 Ancient Tomb Land U EN Colin MacNeil ✪ $87.96 €69.02
ZNE 21 Ancient Tomb Land M EN Adam Paquette ✪ $96.53 €83.40 9.88
PUMA U31 Ancient Tomb Land M EN Yeong-Hao Han ✪ $193.61 7.67
EXP 36 Ancient Tomb Land M EN Howard Lyon ✪ $332.38 12.18
V12 1 Ancient Tomb Land M EN Colin MacNeil ✪ $100.11
NEO A-116 A-Nezumi Prowler {1}{B} Artifact Creature U EN Joseph Weston
ME3 141 Angus Mackenzie {G}{W}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Bryon Wackwitz 0.08
LEG 217 Angus Mackenzie {G}{W}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Bryon Wackwitz ✪ $239.80 €168.24
DMR 187 Arcades Sabboth {2}{G}{G}{W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Steven Belledin ✪ $0.12 €0.18 0.02
ME3 142 Arcades Sabboth {2}{G}{G}{W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Edward P. Beard, Jr. 0.02
CHR 71 Arcades Sabboth {2}{G}{G}{W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Edward P. Beard, Jr. ✪ $0.47 €0.59
LEG 218 Arcades Sabboth {2}{G}{G}{W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Edward P. Beard, Jr. ✪ $37.10 €32.16
DMR 355 Arcades Sabboth {2}{G}{G}{W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Steven Belledin ✪ $0.09 0.02
SLD 1067 Arcades Sabboth {2}{G}{G}{W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Eshpur ✪ $2.46
BCHR 71 アルカデス・サボス {2}{G}{G}{W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R JA Edward P. Beard, Jr.
MMA 198 Arcbound Ravager {2} Artifact Creature R EN Kev Walker ✪ $11.49 €7.69 0.09
DST 100 Arcbound Ravager {2} Artifact Creature R EN Carl Critchlow ✪ $12.73 €7.62 0.02
PL23 6 Arcbound Ravager {2} Artifact Creature R EN Walleystation ✪ $22.66
SLD 56 Arcbound Ravager {2} Artifact Creature R EN Danny Miller ✪ $9.12 0.02
PRM 72888 Arcbound Ravager {2} Artifact Creature R EN Chase Stone 0.03
PPRO 2019 Arcbound Ravager {2} Artifact Creature R EN Chase Stone ✪ $8.43
MPS 31 Arcbound Ravager {2} Artifact Creature S EN Daarken ✪ $62.51 0.20
2XM 41 Arcum Dagsson {3}{U} Lgd. Creature M EN Pete Venters ✪ $10.15 €9.15 0.03
CSP 27 Arcum Dagsson {3}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Pete Venters ✪ $9.45 €7.01 0.02
MH1 220 Arcum's Astrolabe {S} Snow Artifact C EN Igor Kieryluk ✪ $0.10 €0.17 0.03
PLST MH1-220 Arcum's Astrolabe {S} Snow Artifact C EN Igor Kieryluk ✪ $0.22 €0.23
MH2 244 Arid Mesa Land R EN Raymond Swanland ✪ $20.10 €20.47 1.72
MM3 229 Arid Mesa Land R EN Raymond Swanland ✪ $23.11 €20.30 3.57
ZEN 211 Arid Mesa Land R EN Raymond Swanland ✪ $27.96 €19.24 2.59
PRM 91405 Arid Mesa Land R EN Raymond Swanland 3.93
MH2 436 Arid Mesa Land R EN Raymond Swanland ✪ $24.25 €25.23 3.04
MH2 475 Arid Mesa Land R EN Raymond Swanland ✪ $19.69 €25.60
PMH2 244s Arid Mesa Land R EN Raymond Swanland ✪ $25.71
ZNE 9 Arid Mesa Land M EN Adam Paquette ✪ $28.83 €25.25 8.79
SLU 4 Arid Mesa Land R EN John Avon ✪ $27.10 €21.60
EXP 24 Arid Mesa Land M EN Ryan Yee ✪ $126.19 8.24
UGL 69 Ashnod's Coupon {0} Artifact R EN Edward P. Beard, Jr. ✪ $10.70 €5.25
CN2 2 Assemble the Rank and Vile Conspiracy C EN Seb McKinnon ✪ $0.04 €0.07
ME4 109 Atog {1}{R} Creature C EN Jesper Myrfors 0.32
MRD 86 Atog {1}{R} Creature U EN Puddnhead ✪ $0.19 €0.16 0.03
5ED 209 Atog {1}{R} Creature U EN Jesper Myrfors ✪ $0.21 €0.20
SUM 139 Atog {1}{R} Creature C EN Jesper Myrfors €10.00
3ED 139 Atog {1}{R} Creature C EN Jesper Myrfors ✪ $0.17 €0.27
ATQ 23 Atog {1}{R} Creature C EN Jesper Myrfors ✪ $2.19 €2.78
FBB 139 Atog {1}{R} Creature C FR Jesper Myrfors ✪ $4.23 €0.70
KLD 145 Attune with Aether {G} Sorcery C EN Wesley Burt ✪ $0.14 €0.11 0.03
KLR 154 Attune with Aether {G} Sorcery C EN Wesley Burt
ME1 113 Autumn Willow {4}{G}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Margaret Organ-Kean 0.02
HML 83 Autumn Willow {4}{G}{G} Lgd. Creature R EN Margaret Organ-Kean ✪ $1.02 €1.02
IKO A-216 A-Winota, Joiner of Forces {2}{R}{W} Lgd. Creature M EN Magali Villeneuve
ME3 143 Axelrod Gunnarson {4}{B}{B}{R}{R} Lgd. Creature U EN Scott Kirschner 0.06
CHR 72 Axelrod Gunnarson {4}{B}{B}{R}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Scott Kirschner ✪ $0.23 €0.38
LEG 219 Axelrod Gunnarson {4}{B}{B}{R}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Scott Kirschner ✪ $12.59 €11.27
BCHR 72 アクセルロッド・グナーソン {4}{B}{B}{R}{R} Lgd. Creature R JA Scott Kirschner
CHR 73 Ayesha Tanaka {W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Bryon Wackwitz ✪ $0.24 €0.60
LEG 220 Ayesha Tanaka {W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Bryon Wackwitz ✪ $14.15 €13.49
BCHR 73 アーイシャ・タナカ {W}{W}{U}{U} Lgd. Creature R JA Bryon Wackwitz
UNF 35 Baaallerina {3}{U} Creature U EN April Prime ✪ $0.05 €0.07
UNF 321 Baaallerina {3}{U} Creature U EN April Prime ✪ $0.37
UMA 46 Back to Basics {2}{U} Enchantment R EN Terese Nielsen ✪ $7.86 €8.21 6.59
USG 62 Back to Basics {2}{U} Enchantment R EN Andrew Robinson ✪ $14.24 €10.42 3.85
SLD 1718 Back to Basics {2}{U} Enchantment R EN Helvetica Blanc ✪ $7.45
MB2 154 Back to Basics {2}{U} Enchantment R EN Andrew Robinson ✪ $4.73 €5.12
CNS 2 Backup Plan Conspiracy R EN David Palumbo ✪ $0.34 €0.29
EMA 2 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery M EN Kev Walker ✪ $2.31 €3.19 0.28
VMA 14 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery M EN Kev Walker 0.23
ME4 6 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Mark Poole 0.53
4ED 6 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Mark Poole ✪ $1.69 €2.05
SUM 3 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Mark Poole
3ED 3 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Mark Poole ✪ $4.50 €4.01
2ED 3 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Mark Poole ✪ $61.95 €69.93
LEB 3 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Mark Poole €842.86
LEA 3 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Mark Poole €1,825.16
PLST EMA-2 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery M EN Kev Walker ✪ $0.55
SLD 173 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery M EN Mark Poole ✪ $3.08 €2.92
PRM 36278 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Kev Walker 0.25
V09 1 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery M EN Randy Gallegos ✪ $3.27
G04 2 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Kev Walker ✪ $17.04
4BB 6 Equilibrio {1}{W} Sorcery R ES Mark Poole ✪ $14.39 €11.06
FBB 3 Balance {1}{W} Sorcery R FR Mark Poole ✪ $0.99 €17.07
UNF 200a Balloon Stand Artifact U EN Jakub Kasper ✪ $0.10
UNF 200b Balloon Stand Artifact U EN Jakub Kasper ✪ $0.10
UNF 200c Balloon Stand Artifact U EN Jakub Kasper ✪ $0.19
UNF 200d Balloon Stand Artifact U EN Jakub Kasper ✪ $0.26
UNF 100 _____ Balls of Fire {3}{R} Enchantment U EN David Sladek ✪ $0.02 €0.04
UNF 386 _____ Balls of Fire {3}{R} Enchantment U EN David Sladek ✪ $0.37
RVR 66 Balustrade Spy {3}{B} Creature C EN Jaime Jones ✪ $0.02 €0.04 0.04
2X2 68 Balustrade Spy {3}{B} Creature C EN Jaime Jones ✪ $0.03 €0.09 0.04
IMA 80 Balustrade Spy {3}{B} Creature C EN Jaime Jones ✪ $0.03 €0.12 0.04
GTC 57 Balustrade Spy {3}{B} Creature C EN Jaime Jones ✪ $0.08 €0.14 0.03
J25 402 Balustrade Spy {3}{B} Creature C EN Jaime Jones ✪ $0.14 €0.19
PLST IMA-80 Balustrade Spy {3}{B} Creature C EN Jaime Jones ✪ $0.04 €0.09
AER 28 Baral, Chief of Compliance {1}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Wesley Burt ✪ $2.65 €1.51 0.02
SLD 1447 Baral, Chief of Compliance {1}{U} Lgd. Creature R EN Dmitry Burmak ✪ $8.88
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