← Scryfall FAQs / General What is Scryfall's spoiler policy?

Scryfall tries our best to input spoilers or other previewed cards into our database within 24 hours of the news breaking.

Preview Credits

Scryfall attempts to credit the source of a preview and link back to your post, article, or media item when we can. The resources of the Scryfall team are limited, and we will not conduct in-depth research about your preview before listing it. Please make it easy for us to find your name and get a permalink to your preview card.

If we have credited you incorrectly on Scryfall, please use the “Report Card Issue” button on the bottom of the card’s page and let us know what we should update.

Please note that the Scryfall team will not add tracking parameters to preview links. We will also not link to live video streams, the video must be a VoD or other permanent link.

Leaked Cards or Early Previews

Scryfall does not list stolen or maliciously leaked products:

  • Cards stolen from factories or printers will not be listed
  • Cards revealed via breaking an NDA will not be listed
  • Cards leaked by malicious employees or contractors will not be listed

Accidental reveals or mistakes made by Wizards of the Coast are not malicious leaks, and Scryfall will list them:

  • Cards accidentally shipped early to customers will be listed
  • Cards revealed in streams or promo videos premiering early will be listed
  • Cards in marketing materials that have been shipped or published early will be listed
  • Cards in articles or news stories published early will be listed
  • Cards revealed in game documents accidentally published early by WotC or related organizations will be listed

Promotional cards sent into the wild but not previewed are not leaks, and Scryfall will list them:

  • Buy-a-box or play promos shipped to LGSs are not leaks and will be listed
  • Convention or prize promos found at events are not leaks and will be listed
  • Secret Lair bonus cards, surprise box toppers, secret set variants, or other “surprise” cards shipped to customers are not leaks and will be listed

Wizards of the Coast has previously engaged in guerrilla marketing for some sets, such as having an obscure social media account “find” new cards somehow:

  • Cards we evaluate to be revealed as the result of intentional marketing will be listed

Sometimes Scryfall has to make a judgement call on whether or not a card was truly leaked or if it was revealed some other way. If you believe we’ve made a mistake, you can use the “Report Card Issue” button at the bottom of the card’s page. Please try to provide extra details or sources for your rationale.

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