← Scryfall FAQs / General I can't sign in to Scryfall

Scryfall accounts don’t use passwords. Each time you sign in to Scryfall, we send a one-time link to your email address. You must open this link on the same device you want to sign in with. This link expires after you use it, and you can delete the sign-in email when you’re done.

If you can’t sign in, or your account is locked:

  1. Please delete any curent emails you have from Scryfall.
  2. If your email service supports it, please add accounts@scryfall.com to your address book to make sure emails are not being marked as spam.
  3. Wait one hour.
  4. Visit scryfall.com/signin to try to sign-in again and recieve a new link. Please also check your spam folders to make sure the message didn’t arrive there.

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