← Scryfall FAQs / General About Scryfall deck limits

The Scryfall deckbuilder has the following hard limits. These limits exist to keep our site speedy and to keep resource usage fair between each person.

  • Scryfall decks are limited to a maximum of 1,200 unique card entries (i.e., lines)
  • Each entry can have up to 99 copies of a card.
  • Free Scryfall accounts are limited to 100 decks total.
  • When attempting to purchase a deck from our affiliates, that list may be limited to a maximum of 300 cards, rather than 1,200. This is a requirement that the Scryfall team does not control.

If your deck is too large:

  1. Press the “Clean Up” button in the deckbuilder to combine redundant entries and remove unmatched entries.
  2. Remove unneeded maybeboard items or other cards that aren’t final.
  3. Split your deck into multiple decks or lists.

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