Prime Minister's Cabinet Room (Doctor Who #596)


次元 — 地球


議決 ― カオスが起こるたび、あなたから始めて各プレイヤーはそれぞれあなたがコントロールしていないクリーチャー1体に投票する。最多あるいは最多と同数の票を獲得したすべてのクリーチャーを追放する。

Illustrated by Anthony Devine

Not Legal This version of this card is oversized with a non-standard Magic back. It is not legal for constructed play.

Notes and Rules Information for 首相の執務室:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • The target creature you control copies the printed values of the other creature plus any copy effects that have been applied to it. It won't copy any other effects that have changed that creature's power, toughness, color, and so on. It also won't copy any counters on the creature, but it will retain any counters it already had on it. (2023-10-13)
  • If it becomes a copy of a token creature, it copies the original characteristics of that token as defined by the effect that created the token. It won't become a token creature. (2023-10-13)
  • When a creature becomes a copy of another creature, it's neither entering nor leaving the battlefield. Any enters-the-battlefield or leaves-the-battlefield abilities won't trigger. (2023-10-13)
  • If the creature an opponent controls is an illegal target as the ability resolves, nothing happens and the creature you control remains as it was. (2023-10-13)