Vault 11:投票者のジレンマ {2}{W}{B}
エンチャント — 英雄譚
I ― あなたは、対戦相手1人につき1体の白の1/1の人間・兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを生成する。
II, III ― 各プレイヤーはそれぞれ、最大1体のクリーチャーに秘密裏に投票する。その後、それらの投票を公開する。どのクリーチャーも投票されなかったなら、各プレイヤーはそれぞれカード1枚を引く。そうでないなら、最多あるいは最多と同数の票を獲得したすべてのクリーチャーを破壊する。
Illustrated by Kieran Yanner
- Standard
- Not Legal
- Alchemy
- Not Legal
- Pioneer
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- Explorer
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- Modern
- Not Legal
- Historic
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- Legacy
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- Brawl
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- Vintage
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- Timeless
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- Commander
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- Pauper
- Not Legal
- Oathbreaker
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- Penny
- Not Legal
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Notes and Rules Information for Vault 11:投票者のジレンマ:
- Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
- To secretly vote, each player writes down their chosen option without showing it to anyone else. Each player then keeps their vote secret until all players simultaneously reveal their votes. (2024-03-08)
- Before secret votes are revealed, players may announce how they intend to vote, but they can't reveal what they actually wrote down until all votes are simultaneously revealed. Players can lie about how they intend to vote before the votes are revealed. (2024-03-08)
- Abilities that trigger "whenever players finish voting" trigger once all players have voted or once all secret votes are revealed, but they won't go on the stack until the current spell or ability finishes resolving. (2024-03-08)
- No player votes until Vault 11's last ability resolves. Any responses to the ability must be made without knowing the outcome of the vote. (2024-03-08)