Maga Vincolaprogenie {3}{W}
Creatura — Alleato Mago Umano
Coorte — {T}, TAPpa un Alleato STAPpato che controlli: TAPpa una creatura bersaglio.
“Seguitemi. Camminate con passo leggero e resistete alla tentazione di prenderli a calci.”
Illustrated by Dan Murayama Scott
- Standard
- Not Legal
- Alchemy
- Not Legal
- Pioneer
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- Brawl
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- Timeless
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- Commander
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- Pauper
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- Oathbreaker
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- Penny
- Not Legal
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Notes and Rules Information for Maga Vincolaprogenie:
- Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
- To activate a cohort ability, the Ally with that ability must have been under your control continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn. Informally, it can’t have “summoning sickness.” However, the other Ally you tap can be one that just came under your control. (Note that tapping the second Ally doesn’t use {T} [the tap symbol].) (2016-01-22)