Bitterblüte {1}{B}
Stammes-Verzauberung — Feenwesen
Zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments verlierst du 1 Lebenspunkt und bringst einen 1/1 schwarzen (Feenwesen, Räuber)-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit ins Spiel.
Die Abende in Lorwyn dauern nicht lange, doch die Sonne verbleibt lange genug am Horizont, damit im Dämmerlicht eine besondere Veilchenart mit dem Duft des Unfugs aufblühen kann.
Illustrated by Rebecca Guay
- Standard
- Not Legal
- Alchemy
- Not Legal
- Pioneer
- Not Legal
- Explorer
- Not Legal
- Modern
- Legal
- Historic
- Legal
- Legacy
- Legal
- Brawl
- Legal
- Vintage
- Legal
- Timeless
- Legal
- Commander
- Legal
- Pauper
- Not Legal
- Oathbreaker
- Legal
- Penny
- Not Legal
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Notes and Rules Information for Bitterblüte:
- Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
- The effect is mandatory. You'll lose 1 life even if you have only 1 life left. (2008-04-01)
- The life loss isn't a payment. You'll get a token even if you had 0 life (and another effect is stopping you from losing the game). (2008-04-01)
- This cards was originally printed with the "tribal" card type. That card type has been replaced with "kindred". This change does not affect the gameplay function of this card. (2024-06-07)
- Kindred is a card type that allows noncreature cards to have creature types. For example, Echoes of Eternity is an Eldrazi (although not a creature) while on the battlefield and an Eldrazi card (although not a creature card) in zones other than the battlefield. (2024-06-07)
- While it appears only on cards that already have other card types, kindred is a card type and will be counted by effects that refer to the number of card types among cards in a zone. (2024-06-07)