Updates to Bulk Data and /cards Deprecation Notice

First and foremost: On June 10, 2020 Scryfall will remove access to the “all cards” /cards API endpoint. This endpoint is now deprecated.

Because this endpoint paginates over our entire database, it has been a long-term source of performance and uptime issues for us. Our database has nearly doubled in size since we implemented it, and this endpoint now has over 1,500 pages and has become unsustainable for the kind of complex data we expose.

We will also have a 24-hour brown-out for the endpoint on May 30, 2020 as an extra alert for downstream consumers.

(This change applies only to the “all cards” pagination endpoint https://api.scryfall.com/cards. Our more specific card endpoints such as /cards/search, /cards/named, /cards/:id and so on are not affected.)

If you previously used the /cards endpoint, you should migrate to using the Bulk Data endpoints.

We’ve made several improvements to the bulk data files:

  • Bulk data files now include price information (but you should still be careful about trusting prices more than 24 hours old)
  • Bulk data files are now updated twice per day
  • You can now fetch bulk data objects individually or by type
  • Each bulk data file is now available at a timestamped URL, rather than replacing the same un-timestamped URL as before. Use the download_uri property of the Bulk Data objects to get the new URI. The old-style URIs without a timestamp will no longer be updated.

More information is available in the Bulk Data article, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.