Upcoming API changes to Scryfall image URIs and download URIs

Starting in October 2022, Scryfall will be transitioning our image and data origins to new subdomains.

Images and bulk data files will stop being hosted on:

  • Going away: c1.scryfall.com
  • Going away: c2.scryfall.com
  • Going away: c3.scryfall.com

Our new file hosts will be located on:

  • New subdomain wildcard: *.scryfall.io
  • New subdomain example: cards.scryfall.io
  • New subdomain example: data.scryfall.io

Why are you doing this?

Scryfall is transitioning to a new file hosting provider to improve our scalability.

Will this break my existing code?

Only if you’ve been naughty. We don’t recommend that you ever try to manually construct a link to a file on c1.scryfall.com or similar. Instead you should fetch card data using our API or bulk file offerings, those objects always include the correct and up-to-date URI to card images and downloadable files.

As a reminder:

  • If you want to download a card’s image using its set code and collector number, use the /cards/:code/:number method and specify the format=image option. You will receive an HTTP redirect to the correct file.
  • If you want to download a card’s image using its Scryfall ID, use the /cards/:id endpoint and specify the format=image option. You will receive an HTTP redirect to the correct file.
  • If you want to bookmark a direct link to a bulk data item, use the /bulk-data/:type method and specify the format=file option. You will receive an HTTP redirect right to the latest bulk data file of that type.

If you have already been using the API to retrieve image and file URIs, nothing should change for you.

Will this affect any api.scryfall.com method paths?

No, this only affects our file download hosts and the URIs found in image_uris and download_uri and similar fields inside API objects.

Will this affect projects I have that use CORS?

No, the new origins should function the same with Cross Origin Resource Sharing.

We will be creating redirects for c1.scryfall.com , but you should not permanently rely on these redirects. They should be considered temporary band-aids until you are able to update anything affected by the domain changes.


Do the new origins have a rate limit?

No, only api.scryfall.com has a rate limit.


If you need additional clarification on any of these changes, please don’t hesitate to contact us