Deprecation Notice: Old Price Fields and Old Image URLs

Foil Prices and Old Price Fields

On April 1, 2019, Scryfall will be removing the usd, eur, and tix fields from API Card objects. You should use the new prices[usd], prices[usd_foil], prices[eur], and prices[tix] properties instead.

Note that the new prices property includes separate foil price data in prices[usd_foil].

Previously, Scryfall’s API overloaded the usd field: If a card was only available in foil, the foil price would appear in usd. If a card was available in both foil and nonfoil, only the nonfoil price would appear in usd. The new prices[usd] and prices[usd_foil] properties will now always keep these prices separate.

Old Image URLs

Scryfall has changed the URL pattern for new card images:

Previously, card images on used a path pattern like /cards/{size}/{lang}/{set}/{number}.jpg. New card images now use a pattern like /cards/{size}/{face}/{uuid-parts}.jpg. This new URL is much more stable, it will not change if a card is renumbered or moved to a new set.

We are slowly migrating all card images on to use this new URL structure. Scryfall does not recommend that you ever try to guess or interpolate a card’s image URL yourself. If you need to access a card image by set code or collector number, use the /cards/:code/:number API method with format=image. Our API always returns the correct URL to a card’s image in API Card objects.


If you have questions about this update, please don’t hesitate to contact us.