The Doctor's Tomb (Doctor Who #580)

Das Grab des Doctors

Welt — Trenzalore

Falls eine Kreatur sterben würde, schicke sie stattdessen ins Exil und der Beherrscher der Kreatur verliert 2 Lebenspunkte.

Immer wenn das Chaos hereinbricht, verteile die Lebenspunktestände einer beliebigen Anzahl an Spielern neu. (Jeder jener Spieler erhält wieder einen Lebenspunktestand.)

Illustrated by Anato Finnstark

Not Legal This version of this card is oversized with a non-standard Magic back. It is not legal for constructed play.

Notes and Rules Information for Das Grab des Doctors:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • You choose which player gets which life total when the chaos ability resolves. (2023-10-13)
  • You can't split up a life total when you redistribute it. For example, suppose that in a two-player game your life total is 5 and your opponent's life total is 15 when the chaos ability starts to resolve. You can choose to (a) leave the life totals as they are or (b) make your life total 15 and your opponent's 5. You can't choose to make your life total 20 and your opponent's 0. (2023-10-13)