Wound Reflection (Doctor Who #223)

Réverbération de blessure {5}{B}


Au début de chaque étape de fin, chaque adversaire perd un nombre de points de vie égal au nombre de points de vie qu'il a perdus ce tour-ci. (Les blessures provoquent la perte de points de vie.)

« Qu'il est bon de savoir que je n'ai pas perdu la main », dit le Maître. « Vous méritez ce que j'ai de mieux », répondit Missy.

Illustrated by Kieran Yanner

Notes and Rules Information for Réverbération de blessure:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • When Wound Reflection's ability resolves, it checks how much life each opponent lost over the course of the turn, then it causes that opponent to lose that much life. It doesn't matter how the opponent lost life or who caused it. It also doesn't matter if Wound Reflection wasn't on the battlefield at the time some or all of the life was lost. (2020-08-07)
  • Wound Reflection's ability checks only whether life was lost. It doesn't care whether life was also gained. For example, if an opponent lost 4 life and gained 6 life during the turn, that player will have a higher life total than they started the turn with but Wound Reflection's ability will still cause that player to lose 4 life. (2020-08-07)
  • If Wound Reflection's ability resolves, then an opponent loses life later in the same turn, that life loss is never counted by Wound Reflection. (2020-08-07)
  • Multiple Wound Reflections each trigger separately. For example, if an opponent lost 1 life, the first one's triggered ability to resolve causes them to lose another 1 life. Since they've now lost 2 life, the next triggered ability causes them to lose 2 life, and the next 4, and so on. (2020-08-07)