Elspeth Resplendent (Streets of New Capenna #341)

눈부시게 빛나는 엘스페스 {3}{W}{W}

전설적 플레인즈워커 — 엘스페스

+1: 생물을 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 및 비행, 선제공격, 생명연결, 또는 경계 카운터 중 한 개를 올려놓는다.

−3: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 일곱 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 마나 값이 3 이하인 지속물 카드 한 장에 방패 카운터 한 개를 올려놓고 당신의 조종하에 전장에 놓을 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.

−7: 비행을 가진 3/3 백색 천사 생물 토큰 다섯 개를 만든다.

Loyalty: 5

Illustrated by Krharts

Notes and Rules Information for 눈부시게 빛나는 엘스페스:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • For Elspeth's first ability, its controller chooses flying, first strike, lifelink, or vigilance, then that counter and the +1/+1 counter are placed on the target creature at the same time. (2022-04-29)
  • Shield counters don't prevent players from sacrificing creatures. (2022-04-29)
  • Removing a shield counter in this way isn't the same as regenerating a creature. (2022-04-29)
  • If a permanent that would be dealt damage has more than one shield counter on it, that damage is prevented and only one shield counter is removed. (2022-04-29)
  • If a permanent with a shield counter is dealt unpreventable damage, that damage will be dealt and a shield counter will still be removed. (2022-04-29)
  • A creature with a shield counter on it may still be destroyed by state-based actions if it has damage marked on it equal to its toughness or has been dealt unpreventable damage by a source with deathtouch. (2022-04-29)
  • “Shield” is not an ability that creatures have and shield counters are not keyword counters. If a creature with a shield counter loses its abilities, the shield counter will still protect it as normal. (2022-04-29)