Chord of Calling (Ravnica Remastered #345)

Corde d'adjuration {X}{G}{G}{G}



Cherchez dans votre bibliothèque une carte de créature avec une valeur de mana inférieure ou égale à X, mettez-la sur le champ de bataille, puis mélangez.

Illustrated by Heather Hudson

Notes and Rules Information for Corde d'adjuration:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • If a card in a player's library has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0. (2020-08-07)
  • You can tap any untapped creature you control to convoke a spell, even one you haven't controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn. (2021-03-19)
  • When calculating a spell's total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated. Convoke doesn't change a spell's mana cost or mana value. (2021-03-19)
  • If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell's costs. You won't be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won't be on the battlefield when you pay the spell's costs, so you won't be able to tap it for convoke. (2021-03-19)
  • When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell's total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Chord of Calling (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{G}{G}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{G}{G}. If you tap two green creatures and two red creatures, you'll have to pay {1}{G}. (2021-03-19)