Windbrisk Heights (Fallout #315)

Alture di Vento Pungente


Nascondiglio 4 (Quando questa terra entra nel campo di battaglia, guarda le prime quattro carte del tuo grimorio, esiliane una a faccia in giù, poi metti le altre in fondo in ordine casuale.)

Le Alture di Vento Pungente entrano nel campo di battaglia TAPpate.

{T}: Aggiungi {W}.

{W}, {T}: Puoi giocare la carta esiliata senza pagare il suo costo di mana se hai attaccato con tre o più creature in questo turno.

Illustrated by Anthony Devine

Notes and Rules Information for Alture di Vento Pungente:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • At the time the ability resolves, you'll get to play the card if you declared three different creatures as attackers at any point in the turn. A creature declared as an attacker in two different attack phases counts only once. A creature that entered the battlefield attacking (such as a token created by Militia's Pride) doesn't count because you never attacked with it. (2007-10-01)
  • "Hideaway N" means "When this permanent enters the battlefield, look at the top N cards of your library. Exile one of them face down and put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. The exiled card gains 'The player who controls the permanent that exiled this card may look at this card in the exile zone.'" (2022-04-29)
  • Any player who has controlled a permanent with a hideaway ability since a card was exiled with it may look at that card. (2022-04-29)
  • Previously, permanents with hideaway entered the battlefield tapped. This ability has been removed from the definition of hideaway. Older cards have received errata to have an additional paragraph that reads "[This permanent] enters the battlefield tapped," and they now have hideaway 4. (2022-04-29)
  • Hideaway now causes you to put the rest of the cards on the bottom of your library in a random order instead of any order. (2022-04-29)