C.A.M.P. (Fallout #129)

C.A.M.P. {3}

Artefakt — Befestigung

Immer wenn das befestigte Land für Mana getappt wird, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst. Falls die Kreatur eine Farbe mit dem von jenem Land erzeugten Mana gemeinsam hat, erzeuge einen Altmetall-Spielstein. (Er ist ein Artefakt mit „{T}, opfere dieses Artefakt: Schicke die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek ins Exil. Du kannst sie in diesem Zug spielen. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit wie eine Hexerei.“)

Befestigen {3} ({3}: Lege diese Karte an ein Land deiner Wahl an, das du kontrollierst. Spiele Befestigen wie eine Hexerei.)

Illustrated by Tomas Duchek

Notes and Rules Information for C.A.M.P.:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • Fortification is to lands what Equipment is to creatures. Except for the difference regarding what type of permanent they can be attached to, Fortifications and Equipment follow the same rules. (2024-03-08)
  • If the fortified land produced more than one color of mana, you’ll create a Junk token as long as the target creature is at least one of those colors. (2024-03-08)
  • You can’t sacrifice a Junk token to pay multiple costs. For example, you can’t sacrifice a Junk token to activate its own ability and also to activate the second ability of Junk Jet. (2024-03-08)
  • You pay all costs and follow all normal timing rules for the card played from exile with a Junk token’s ability. For example, if the exiled card is a land card, you may play it only during your main phase while the stack is empty. (2024-03-08)
  • Some spells and abilities that create Junk tokens may require targets. If each target chosen is illegal as that spell or ability tries to resolve, it won’t resolve and none of its effects happen. You won’t create any Junk tokens. (2024-03-08)