Riptide Island (March of the Machine Commander #64)


Welt — Dominaria

Wenn du zur Springflut-Insel weltenwanderst und zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments, erzeuge zwei getappte 1/1 farblose Remasuri-Kreaturenspielsteine.

Immer wenn das Chaos hereinbricht, erhalten Remasuris, die du kontrollierst, bis zum Ende des Zuges Eile und +X/+X, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Remasuris ist, die du kontrollierst.

Illustrated by Jesper Ejsing

Not Legal This version of this card is oversized with a non-standard Magic back. It is not legal for constructed play.

Notes and Rules Information for Springflut-Insel:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • Count the number of Slivers you control as the chaos ability resolves to determine the value of X. (2023-04-14)