Bosquet bruissant
Terrain : forêt
({T} : Ajoutez {G}.)
Au moment où le Bosquet bruissant arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez révéler une carte de sylvin de votre main. Si vous ne le faites pas, le Bosquet bruissant arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.
{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {B}. Le Bosquet bruissant vous inflige 1 blessure.
Illustrated by John Avon
- Standard
- Not Legal
- Alchemy
- Not Legal
- Pioneer
- Not Legal
- Explorer
- Not Legal
- Modern
- Legal
- Historic
- Not Legal
- Legacy
- Legal
- Brawl
- Not Legal
- Vintage
- Legal
- Timeless
- Not Legal
- Commander
- Legal
- Pauper
- Not Legal
- Oathbreaker
- Legal
- Penny
- Legal
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Notes and Rules Information for Bosquet bruissant:
- Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
- Murmuring Bosk is a Forest, but it isn't a basic land. Things that affect basic lands don't affect it. Things that affect basic land types do. For example, you can't find Murmuring Bosk with Fertilid's ability ("searches their library for a basic land card"), but you can find Murmuring Bosk with Everbark Shaman's ability ("search your library for two Forest cards"). (2008-04-01)