Fathom Fleet Swordjack (Commander Legends #177)

Spadassin de la Flotte des grands fonds {3}{R}

Créature : orque et pirate

À chaque fois que le Spadassin de la Flotte des grands fonds attaque, il inflige au joueur ou au planeswalker qu'il attaque un nombre de blessures égal au nombre d'artefacts que vous contrôlez.

Encore {5}{R} ({5}{R}, exilez cette carte de votre cimetière : Pour chaque adversaire, créez une copie jeton qui attaque cet adversaire ce tour-ci si possible. Elle acquiert la célérité. Sacrifiez-la au début de la prochaine étape de fin. N'activez que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.)


Illustrated by Zoltan Boros

Notes and Rules Information for Spadassin de la Flotte des grands fonds:
  • Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
  • If Fathom Fleet Swordjack leaves the battlefield after its triggered ability triggers but before it resolves, the ability will resolve as normal. The player or planeswalker it was attacking will be dealt damage. On the other hand, if it remains on the battlefield but leaves combat before its triggered ability resolves, no player or planeswalker is dealt damage. (2020-11-10)
  • Exiling the card with encore is a cost to activate the ability. Once you announce that you're activating it, no player may take actions until you've finished. They can't try to remove the card from your graveyard to stop you from paying the cost. (2020-11-10)
  • Opponents who have left the game aren't counted when determining how many tokens to create. (2020-11-10)
  • The tokens copy only what's on the original card. Effects that modified that creature when it was previously on the battlefield won't be copied. (2020-11-10)
  • Each token must attack the appropriate player if able. (2020-11-10)
  • If one of the tokens can't attack for any reason (such as being tapped), then it doesn't attack. If there's a cost associated with having it attack, you aren't forced to pay that cost, so it doesn't have to attack in that case either. (2020-11-10)
  • If one of the tokens somehow is under another player's control as the delayed triggered ability resolves, you can't sacrifice that token. It remains on the battlefield indefinitely, even if you regain control of it later. (2020-11-10)
  • If an effect stops a token from attacking a specific player, that token can attack any player, planeswalker, or battle, or not attack at all. If the effect stops the token from attacking a specific player unless a cost is paid, you don't have to pay that cost unless you want to attack that player. (2023-07-28)