Multiverse Gift Box (MGB)

10 cards Released 1996-11-01


Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
MGB 10 King Cheetah {3}{G} Creature R EN Terese Nielsen €10.98
MGB 9 Bull Elephant {3}{G} Creature R EN Steve White €2.52
MGB 8 Viashino Sandstalker {1}{R}{R} Creature R EN Andrew Robinson €1.52
MGB 7 Wicked Reward {1}{B} Instant R EN D. Alexander Gregory €1.78
MGB 6 Vampirism {1}{B} Enchantment R EN Gary Leach €3.69
MGB 5 Urborg Mindsucker {2}{B} Creature R EN DiTerlizzi €3.41
MGB 4 Necrosavant {3}{B}{B}{B} Creature R EN John Coulthart €6.58
MGB 3 Dark Privilege {1}{B} Enchantment R EN Tom Kyffin €2.78
MGB 2 Ovinomancer {2}{U} Creature R EN Kev Walker €1.74
MGB 1 Peace Talks {1}{W} Sorcery R EN Roger Raupp €2.62

Their mind whirled with grand plans, never thinking of what might happen if they got to the end of the list.