1401 – 1575 of 19,095 cards where it’s legal in Modern

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
LTR 298 Bilbo's Ring {3} Lgd. Artifact R EN Randy Gallegos $4.54 €5.09 0.03
BNG 61 Bile Blight {B}{B} Instant U EN Vincent Proce $0.09 €0.09 0.03
BOK 61 Bile Urchin {B} Creature C EN Dany Orizio $0.14 €0.05 0.03
ONE 83 Bilious Skulldweller {B} Creature U EN Svetlin Velinov $0.13 €0.12 0.03
LTR 42 Bill Ferny, Bree Swindler {1}{U} Lgd. Creature U EN Hristo D. Chukov $0.06 €0.05 0.03
LTR 3 Bill the Pony {3}{W} Lgd. Creature U EN Christina Kraus $0.05 €0.12 0.03
VOW 48 Binding Geist // Spectral Binding {2}{U} Creature C EN Campbell White $0.02 €0.05 0.03
AKH 6 Binding Mummy {1}{W} Creature C EN Shreya Shetty $0.11 €0.05 0.03
OTJ 78 Binding Negotiation {1}{B} Sorcery U EN Caroline Gariba $0.05 €0.06 0.01
CMM 917 Binding the Old Gods {2}{B}{G} Enchantment U EN Victor Adame Minguez $0.46 €0.62 0.39
KHM 48 Bind the Monster {U} Enchantment C EN Tran Nguyen $0.02 €0.06 0.03
WAR 186 Bioessence Hydra {3}{G}{U} Creature R EN Mathias Kollros $0.19 €0.16 0.02
RNA 122 Biogenic Ooze {3}{G}{G} Creature M EN Lake Hurwitz $4.04 €1.69 0.02
2X2 137 Biogenic Upgrade {4}{G}{G} Sorcery U EN Tomasz Jedruszek $0.09 €0.05 0.04
VOW 49 Biolume Egg // Biolume Serpent {2}{U} Creature U EN Filip Burburan $0.03 €0.09 0.03
RNA 158 Biomancer's Familiar {G}{U} Creature R EN Izzy $0.57 €0.51 0.02
C15 239 Biomantic Mastery {4}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U} Sorcery R EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.34 €0.27
C21 209 Biomass Mutation {X}{G/U}{G/U} Instant R EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.11 €0.19
STX 164 Biomathematician {1}{G}{U} Creature C EN Igor Kieryluk $0.04 €0.11 0.03
GPT 81 Bioplasm {3}{G}{G} Creature R EN Jon Foster $0.30 €0.18 0.02
9ED 231 Biorhythm {6}{G}{G} Sorcery R EN Ron Spears $1.49 €0.42 0.02
GTC 214 Bioshift {G/U} Instant C EN Scott Chou $0.10 €0.25 0.03
GTC 146 Biovisionary {1}{G}{U} Creature R EN Ryan Barger $0.45 €0.67 0.02
MID 169 Bird Admirer // Wing Shredder {2}{G} Creature C EN Slawomir Maniak $0.04 €0.03 0.03
RVR 133 Birds of Paradise {G} Creature R EN Marcelo Vignali $6.43 €6.03 0.35
KHM 123 Birgi, God of Storytelling // Harnfel, Horn of Bounty {2}{R} // {4}{R} Lgd. Creature R EN Eric Deschamps $13.73 €10.92 0.13
LTR 43 Birthday Escape {U} Sorcery C EN David Álvarez $0.10 €0.14 0.03
MH1 221 Birthing Boughs {3} Artifact U EN Mike Bierek $0.22 €0.19 0.03
OGW 121 Birthing Hulk {6}{G} Creature U EN Jack Wang $0.16 €0.14 0.03
MH3 146 Birthing Ritual {1}{G} Enchantment M EN Drew Tucker $4.30 €6.38 1.83
RIX 2 Bishop of Binding {3}{W} Creature R EN Bastien L. Deharme $0.18 €0.21 0.02
XLN 5 Bishop of Rebirth {3}{W}{W} Creature R EN Tommy Arnold $0.39 €0.29 0.02
XLN 91 Bishop of the Bloodstained {3}{B}{B} Creature U EN Yongjae Choi $0.06 €0.10 0.03
M20 8 Bishop of Wings {W}{W} Creature R EN Matt Stewart $4.79 €3.68 0.02
XLN 6 Bishop's Soldier {1}{W} Creature C EN Scott Murphy $0.04 €0.08 0.03
DMU 155 Bite Down {1}{G} Instant C EN Kitt Lapeña $0.13 €0.09 0.03
MKM 154 Bite Down on Crime {3}{G} Sorcery C EN Mike Bierek $0.02 €0.02 0.02
NEO 88 Biting-Palm Ninja {2}{B} Creature R EN Andreas Zafiratos $0.19 €0.22 0.02
SOI 102 Biting Rain {2}{B}{B} Sorcery U EN John Stanko $0.09 €0.08 0.03
SHM 29 Biting Tether {4}{U} Enchantment U EN Thomas Denmark $0.21 €0.05 0.04
AKH 157 Bitterblade Warrior {1}{G} Creature C EN Slawomir Maniak $0.02 €0.03 0.03
2X2 69 Bitterblossom {1}{B} Kindred Enchantment M EN Rebecca Guay $16.89 €16.13 0.25
HOU 112 Bitterbow Sharpshooters {4}{G} Creature C EN Bram Sels $0.05 €0.02 0.03
WOE 44 Bitter Chill {1}{U} Enchantment U EN Julie Dillon $0.06 €0.05 0.03
LTR 77 Bitter Downfall {3}{B} Instant U EN John Di Giovanni $0.04 €0.07 0.03
ISD 88 Bitterheart Witch {4}{B} Creature U EN Karl Kopinski $0.17 €0.28 0.03
FUT 80 Bitter Ordeal {2}{B} Sorcery R EN Daarken $12.49 €4.58 0.02
OTC 156 Bitter Reunion {1}{R} Enchantment C EN Jake Murray $0.17 €0.28 0.16
CMR 109 Bitter Revelation {3}{B} Sorcery C EN Viktor Titov $0.02 €0.18 0.04
LCI 91 Bitter Triumph {1}{B} Instant U EN Donato Giancola $2.09 €1.47 0.02
AFC 181 Bituminous Blast {3}{B}{R} Instant U EN Raymond Swanland $0.05 €0.11
DMC 178 Blackblade Reforged {2} Lgd. Artifact R EN Chris Rahn $0.53 €0.27 0.50
ZNR 91 Blackbloom Rogue // Blackbloom Bog {2}{B} Creature U EN Jesper Ejsing $0.10 €0.12 0.03
JMP 203 Black Cat {1}{B} Creature C EN David Palumbo $0.06 €0.20
OTC 272 Blackcleave Cliffs Land R EN Yeong-Hao Han $1.98 €2.31 0.32
SOM 54 Blackcleave Goblin {3}{B} Creature C EN Nils Hamm $0.12 €0.08 0.03
AFR 90 Black Dragon {5}{B}{B} Creature U EN Mark Zug $0.05 €0.06 0.03
ME4 71 Black Knight {B}{B} Creature U EN Jeff A. Menges 0.04
ELD 79 Blacklance Paragon {1}{B} Creature R EN Victor Adame Minguez $0.17 €0.13 0.02
9ED 115 Blackmail {B} Sorcery U EN Christopher Moeller $0.29 €0.58 0.03
LCC 181 Black Market Connections {2}{B} Enchantment R EN Lixin Yin $16.10 €15.18
SNC 167 Black Market Tycoon {R}{G} Creature R EN Brock Grossman $0.11 €0.20 0.01
BNG 62 Black Oak of Odunos {2}{B} Creature U EN Chris Rahn $0.05 €0.11 0.03
LRW 99 Black Poplar Shaman {2}{B} Creature C EN Mark Poole $0.24 €0.15 0.03
MH2 6 Blacksmith's Skill {W} Instant C EN Jason A. Engle $0.15 €0.12 0.03
OTJ 79 Blacksnag Buzzard {2}{B} Creature C EN Michele Giorgi $0.02 €0.03 0.02
ONE 84 Black Sun's Twilight {X}{B} Instant R EN Jonas De Ro $0.33 €0.41 0.02
MKC 126 Black Sun's Zenith {X}{B}{B} Sorcery R EN Daniel Ljunggren $0.19 €0.72 0.32
MH1 119 Bladeback Sliver {1}{R} Creature C EN Svetlin Velinov $0.06 €0.14 0.03
IKO 4 Blade Banish {3}{W} Instant C EN Lie Setiawan $0.04 €0.03 0.03
NEO 5 Blade-Blizzard Kitsune {2}{W} Creature U EN Andrew Mar $0.06 €0.08 0.01
RVR 68 Bladebrand {1}{B} Instant C EN Winona Nelson $0.02 €0.04 0.04
BRO 229 Bladecoil Serpent {X}{6} Artifact Creature M EN Joshua Cairos $0.25 €0.33 0.02
ONE 5 Bladed Ambassador {1}{W} Creature U EN Nino Vecia $0.02 €0.02 0.03
MOM 91 Bladed Battle-Fan {1}{B} Artifact C EN Colin Boyer $0.02 €0.06 0.03
AVR 213 Bladed Bracers {1} Artifact C EN Ryan Yee $0.10 €0.05 0.03
SOM 140 Bladed Pinions {2} Artifact C EN Steve Argyle $0.20 €0.19 0.03
MBS 98 Bladed Sentinel {4} Artifact Creature C EN Tomasz Jedruszek $0.09 €0.04 0.05
ONE 122 Bladegraft Aspirant {2}{R} Creature C EN Valera Lutfullina $0.06 €0.07 0.03
STX 165 Blade Historian {R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W} Creature R EN Cristi Balanescu $2.01 €1.36 0.02
ONE 197 Bladehold War-Whip {1}{R}{W} Artifact U EN Tony Foti $0.09 €0.15 0.04
GRN 1 Blade Instructor {2}{W} Creature C EN Zoltan Boros $0.03 €0.07 0.03
CLU 106 Blade Juggler {4}{B} Creature C EN Dmitry Burmak $0.24 €0.13
BOK 95 Blademane Baku {1}{R} Creature C EN Edward P. Beard, Jr. $0.06 €0.06 0.03
ONE 42 Blade of Shared Souls {2}{U} Artifact R EN Volkan Baǵa $0.13 €0.22 0.02
LCC 300 Blade of the Bloodchief {1} Artifact R EN Jung Park $0.79 €1.20
NEO 89 Blade of the Oni {1}{B} Artifact Creature M EN Jason A. Engle $0.63 €0.50 0.01
TSR 9 Blade of the Sixth Pride {1}{W} Creature C EN Lars Grant-West $0.08 €0.06 0.04
MM2 105 Blades of Velis Vel {1}{R} Kindred Instant C EN Ron Spencer $0.23 €0.10 0.03
MOC 175 Blade Splicer {2}{W} Creature R EN Greg Staples $0.28 €0.26 0.20
MID 212 Bladestitched Skaab {U}{B} Creature U EN Dave Kendall $0.16 €0.15 0.03
SOM 84 Blade-Tribe Berserkers {3}{R} Creature C EN Kev Walker $0.13 €0.17 0.03
JOU 90 Bladetusk Boar {3}{R} Creature C EN Sam Burley $0.03 €0.02 0.03
BRO 171 Blanchwood Armor {2}{G} Enchantment U EN Manuel Castañón $0.08 €0.07 0.03
BRO 172 Blanchwood Prowler {1}{G} Creature C EN Justine Cruz $0.09 €0.05 0.03
LCC 216 Blasphemous Act {8}{R} Sorcery R EN Daarken $2.05 €1.95
M15 130 Blastfire Bolt {5}{R} Instant C EN Phill Simmer $0.04 €0.10 0.04
5DN 107 Blasting Station {3} Artifact U EN Stephen Tappin $7.84 €3.34 0.04
UMA 197 Blast of Genius {4}{U}{R} Sorcery U EN Terese Nielsen $0.07 €0.10 0.05
CMM 987 Blast Zone Land R EN Jorge Jacinto $0.28 €0.50 0.29
BBD 167 Blaze {X}{R} Sorcery U EN Alex Horley-Orlandelli $0.18 €0.05
DGM 56 Blaze Commando {3}{R}{W} Creature U EN James Ryman $0.10 €0.08 0.03
SHM 246 Blazethorn Scarecrow {5} Artifact Creature C EN Dave Kendall $0.22 €0.04 0.03
RVR 8 Blazing Archon {6}{W}{W}{W} Creature R EN Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai $0.47 €0.23 0.03
TSP 146 Blazing Blade Askari {2}{R} Creature C EN Dan Frazier $0.10 €0.07 0.04
ONE 123 Blazing Crescendo {1}{R} Instant C EN Tiffany Turrill $0.13 €0.10 0.03
2X2 183 Blazing Hellhound {2}{B}{R} Creature U EN Eric Velhagen $0.03 €0.02 0.04
RIX 3 Blazing Hope {W} Instant U EN Clint Cearley $0.10 €0.06 0.03
MH2 115 Blazing Rootwalla {R} Creature U EN Jokubas Uogintas $0.10 €0.13 0.03
ISD 216 Blazing Torch {1} Artifact C EN Scott Chou $0.03 €0.06 0.03
IKO 107 Blazing Volley {R} Sorcery C EN Heonhwa Choe $0.09 €0.12 0.03
SOM 55 Bleak Coven Vampires {3}{B}{B} Creature C EN Randis Albion $0.07 €0.04 0.03
VOW 94 Bleed Dry {2}{B}{B} Instant C EN Jodie Muir $0.03 €0.13 0.03
WAR 78 Bleeding Edge {1}{B}{B} Sorcery U EN Mike Bierek $0.05 €0.08 0.03
ACR 51 Bleeding Effect {2}{W}{B} Enchantment U EN Néstor Ossandón Leal $0.21 €0.12
EMN 13 Blessed Alliance {1}{W} Instant U EN Johann Bodin $0.11 €0.32 0.03
CHK 1 Blessed Breath {W} Instant C EN Tsutomu Kawade $0.16 €0.11 0.03
MID 5 Blessed Defiance {W} Instant C EN Kim Sokol $0.03 €0.10 0.03
DOM 7 Blessed Light {4}{W} Instant C EN Anthony Palumbo $0.02 €0.08 0.03
9ED 6 Blessed Orator {3}{W} Creature U EN Terese Nielsen $0.30 €0.14 0.05
DTK 47 Blessed Reincarnation {3}{U} Instant R EN Kev Walker $0.18 €0.18 0.02
MH2 150 Blessed Respite {1}{G} Instant U EN Kim Sokol $0.17 €0.10 0.03
8ED 7 Blessed Reversal {1}{W} Instant R EN Christopher Moeller $0.25 €0.15 0.02
JMP 92 Blessed Spirits {2}{W} Creature U EN Anna Steinbauer $0.05 €0.09
M14 8 Blessing {W}{W} Enchantment U EN Jason A. Engle $0.06 €0.11 0.04
DOM 77 Blessing of Belzenlok {B} Instant C EN Joe Slucher $0.03 €0.11 0.03
KHM 161 Blessing of Frost {3}{G} Snow Sorcery R EN Mila Pesic $0.17 €0.19 0.02
BOK 62 Blessing of Leeches {2}{B} Enchantment C EN Rebecca Guay $0.81 €0.15 0.03
DIS 4 Blessing of the Nephilim {W} Enchantment U EN Greg Hildebrandt $0.36 €0.38 0.03
AVR 168 Blessings of Nature {4}{G} Sorcery U EN Anthony Francisco $0.14 €0.29 0.03
STX 148 Blex, Vexing Pest // Search for Blex {2}{G} // {2}{B}{B} Lgd. Creature M EN Ekaterina Burmak $1.24 €1.19 0.07
M20 87 Blightbeetle {1}{B} Creature U EN Jason Kang $0.21 €0.19 0.03
ONE 85 Blightbelly Rat {1}{B} Creature C EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.12 €0.06 0.03
THB 86 Blight-Breath Catoblepas {4}{B}{B} Creature C EN Antonio José Manzanedo $0.01 €0.07 0.03
ORI 85 Blightcaster {3}{B} Creature U EN Winona Nelson $0.11 €0.15 0.03
NPH 29 Blighted Agent {1}{U} Creature C EN Anthony Francisco $1.00 €1.49 0.03
JMP 205 Blighted Bat {2}{B} Creature C EN Nils Hamm $0.05 €0.09
MOM 177 Blighted Burgeoning {2}{G} Enchantment C EN Piotr Foksowicz $0.04 €0.09 0.03
C21 279 Blighted Cataract Land U EN Vincent Proce $0.06 €0.10
BFZ 230 Blighted Fen Land U EN Jonas De Ro $0.11 €0.06 0.03
DDT 58 Blighted Gorge Land U EN Jung Park $0.16 €0.02
BFZ 232 Blighted Steppe Land U EN Yeong-Hao Han $0.16 €0.17 0.03
CLB 881 Blighted Woodland Land U EN Jason Felix $0.18 €0.16
BFZ 2 Blight Herder {5} Creature R EN Todd Lockwood $0.30 €0.18 0.02
XLN 92 Blight Keeper {B} Creature C EN Ben Wootten $0.03 €0.10 0.03
SOM 112 Blight Mamba {1}{G} Creature C EN Drew Baker $0.21 €0.49 0.03
A25 198 Blightning {1}{B}{R} Sorcery U EN Thomas M. Baxa $0.23 €0.28 0.04
DMU 82 Blight Pile {1}{B} Creature U EN Olivier Bernard $0.02 €0.04 0.03
MOM 92 Blightreaper Thallid // Blightsower Thallid {1}{B} Creature U EN Marta Nael $0.03 €0.07 0.03
SHM 247 Blight Sickle {2} Artifact C EN John Avon $0.23 €0.07 0.03
EMA 80 Blightsoil Druid {1}{B} Creature C EN Nils Hamm $0.15 €0.13 0.05
TSR 103 Blightspeaker {1}{B} Creature C EN Ron Spears $0.02 €0.04 0.04
2XM 235 Blightsteel Colossus {12} Artifact Creature M EN Chris Rahn $35.23 €23.92 0.29
KHM 252 Blightstep Pathway // Searstep Pathway Land // Land R EN Ravenna Tran $3.55 €4.64 1.49
MBS 77 Blightwidow {3}{G} Creature C EN Daniel Ljunggren $0.18 €0.21 0.03
JMP 295 Blindblast {2}{R} Instant C EN Sidharth Chaturvedi $0.04 €0.08
5DN 42 Blind Creeper {1}{B} Creature C EN Carl Critchlow $0.06 €0.07 0.03
RVR 166 Blind Hunter {2}{W}{B} Creature C EN Warren Mahy $0.02 €0.03 0.04
9ED 7 Blinding Angel {3}{W}{W} Creature R EN Todd Lockwood $8.23 €1.29 0.02
MMA 7 Blinding Beam {2}{W} Instant C EN Doug Chaffee $0.04 €0.08 0.04
OGW 41 Blinding Drone {1}{U} Creature C EN Lake Hurwitz $0.10 €0.12 0.03
JOU 91 Blinding Flare {R} Sorcery U EN Evan Shipard $0.08 €0.06 0.04
XLN 177 Blinding Fog {2}{G} Instant C EN Igor Kieryluk $0.11 €0.11 0.03
IMA 13 Blinding Mage {1}{W} Creature C EN Eric Deschamps $0.07 €0.02 0.05
BOK 153 Blinding Powder {1} Artifact U EN Greg Hildebrandt $0.32 €0.16 0.03
MM2 202 Blinding Souleater {3} Artifact Creature C EN Igor Kieryluk $0.04 €0.02 0.04
KTK 32 Blinding Spray {4}{U} Instant U EN Wayne Reynolds $0.14 €0.05 0.04
RVR 9 Blind Obedience {1}{W} Enchantment R EN Seb McKinnon $1.62 €1.46 0.12
FUT 49 Blind Phantasm {2}{U} Creature C EN Khang Le $0.08 €0.03 0.04
MMA 105 Blind-Spot Giant {2}{R} Creature C EN Jim Murray $0.06 €0.05 0.04
CHK 158 Blind with Anger {3}{R} Instant U EN Dave Dorman $0.19 €0.10 0.03
NPH 52 Blind Zealot {1}{B}{B} Creature C EN Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss $0.11 €0.11 0.03
AFR 3 Blink Dog {2}{W} Creature U EN Oriana Menendez $0.11 €0.04 0.03
9ED 8 Blinking Spirit {3}{W} Creature R EN Allen Williams $0.27 €0.27 0.02
5DN 25 Blinkmoth Infusion {12}{U}{U} Instant R EN Alan Pollack $2.56 €1.35 0.02