10 cards where the cards are any language and the name is exactly “slagstorm”

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
MBS 75 Slagstorm {1}{R}{R} Sorcery R EN Dan Murayama Scott $0.48 €0.53 0.03
MBS 75 Schlackesturm {1}{R}{R} Hexerei R DE Dan Murayama Scott
MBS 75 Tormenta de escoria {1}{R}{R} Conjuro R ES Dan Murayama Scott
MBS 75 Tempête de scories {1}{R}{R} Rituel R FR Dan Murayama Scott
MBS 75 Tempesta di Scorie {1}{R}{R} Stregoneria R IT Dan Murayama Scott
MBS 75 金屑の嵐 {1}{R}{R} ソーサリー R JA Dan Murayama Scott
MBS 75 Chuva de Escórias {1}{R}{R} Feitiço R PT Dan Murayama Scott
MBS 75 Шлаковый Штурм {1}{R}{R} Волшебство R RU Dan Murayama Scott
MBS 75 熔滓风暴 {1}{R}{R} 法术 R ZHS Dan Murayama Scott
MBS 75 熔滓風暴 {1}{R}{R} 巫術 R ZHT Dan Murayama Scott

Their mind whirled with grand plans, never thinking of what might happen if they got to the end of the list.