14 cards where the name is exactly “fertilid”

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
ARC 54 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.15 €0.25
HOP 72 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.30 €0.25 0.52
DDR 9 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.10 €0.18
E01 64 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.11 €0.14
J22 660 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Nicholas Gregory $0.08 €0.14
NEC 116 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Nicholas Gregory $0.08 €0.13
MOR 122 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.15 €0.11 0.03
CMD 154 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.24 €0.10 0.04
BBD 199 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature U EN Wayne Reynolds $0.18 €0.09
MOC 296 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.06 €0.08
ZNC 67 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Nicholas Gregory $0.08 €0.08
JMP 398 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.04 €0.06
IKO 152 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Nicholas Gregory $0.07 €0.06 0.03
CMR 226 Fertilid {2}{G} Creature C EN Wayne Reynolds $0.05 €0.05 0.05

Their mind whirled with grand plans, never thinking of what might happen if they got to the end of the list.