Aria di Mayael {R}{G}{W}
All'inizio del tuo mantenimento, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni creatura che controlli, se controlli una creatura con forza pari o superiore a 5. Poi guadagni 10 punti vita, se controlli una creatura con forza pari o superiore a 10. Poi vinci la partita, se controlli una creatura con forza pari o superiore a 20.
Illustrated by Steve Argyle
- Standard
- Not Legal
- Alchemy
- Not Legal
- Pioneer
- Not Legal
- Explorer
- Not Legal
- Modern
- Legal
- Historic
- Not Legal
- Legacy
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- Brawl
- Not Legal
- Vintage
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- Timeless
- Not Legal
- Commander
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- Pauper
- Not Legal
- Oathbreaker
- Legal
- Penny
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Notes and Rules Information for Aria di Mayael:
- Only the English version of a Magic card receives Oracle updates and errata. View this card in English. (Scryfall note)
- This ability triggers at the beginning of each of your upkeeps. Whether you control any applicable creatures is checked only when the ability resolves. (2009-05-01)
- The three parts of the ability happen sequentially. For example, if you control a creature with 9 power when the ability starts to resolve, you'll put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control — and now, since you control a creature with 10 power, you'll gain 10 life. (2009-05-01)