Tales of Middle-earth Commander (LTC)

591 cards Released 2023-06-23

$21,119.32 €2,050.29 563.98 TIX

Commanders 8 cards

Display Commanders 4 cards

New Cards 72 cards

Holiday Scene Boxes 24 cards

Borderless Flavor Cards 30 cards

Fancy Sol Rings 6 cards

Holiday Collector Boosters 44 cards

Silverfoil Holiday Cards 80 cards

Reprints 187 cards

Surge Foil Box Toppers 60 cards

Extended Art 76 cards

The orcs’ banner sends a clear message: “You've reached the end of this search.”

Tales of Middle-earth Commander (LTC)

591 cards Released 2023-06-23

$21,119.32 €2,050.29 563.98 TIX